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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

EspeonROX: Those are all relatively low wants for me. The DP Promos are just a minor collection want. All i saw from your list is the Gardevoir SW, so unless you have any of my other wants I guess I'll have to pass. Sorry :(
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

haha sorry if I've bothered you on a number of times
but I have RH gardevoir SW
and I still want sharpedo ex and manectric ex
CML (it's better) for more.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

Uh...what about for ONE Pachirisu GE holo? Could we do the Magmortar and Buneary?
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

Please CML for. Garchomp X JPN Promo please. I'll trade well.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

Please CML for:
Latios EX (Dragon)
Raikou EX
Suicune EX
Groudon EX (Hidden Legends)
Metagross EX (Hidden Legends)
Vileplume EX
Blastoise EX (japanese)
Electrode EX
Gengar EX
Moltres EX
Venasuar EX

Thanks. :3​
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

hey, im interested in your DGX, i have multiple spiritombs, CML for more of your trade bait wants, thanks
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

i need:
pg x
dg x
gardi x
palkia g
mesprit la
poketurn rh
cyrus conspiracy rh
luxray gl

i have:
flying pikachu
rhyperior sv rh
stuff u have unlisted?
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

CML For Uxie Lv.X, only things I have from your wants are 2 Spiritomb PR and 1 Guradevoir SW, but hopfully we can make a deal ^^
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

cml for Infernape 4, Infernape 4 Lv.X, Uxie Lv. X
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

CML for Electrode EX (High Want), Gengar EX, Rayqyaza EX (Deoxys), Dragonite EX delta, Flygon EX delta, and Tyranitar EX delta.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

Please CML for Floatzel GL Lv.X.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

You want Gengar Lv X eh?
I have one. Good condition too.

Im interested in your Porygon-Z Lv X.
Also, do you have any Porygon-Z (promo), Porygon 2, or basic porygon??

I could also sell you the Gengar if you like...
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

My Spiritomb x2 for your, Mewtwo (MD) x2? LMK
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

Please check my list for Mewtwo Lv. X's and Dusknoir LV. X. Thank you
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

Hi there! Please check my list for Mewtwo Lv. X (pack)
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

please CML for DP36 Gliscor
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritombs and Gengar stuff

CML for Cresselia LV. X if it's english and mint. I recently updated and have some Claydol and 3 Gyarados SF.