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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

Heatran1991: For some reason the link to ur trade thread isnt working. What else do u have of my wants? I really need 1 more Blaze FB, Gengar Lv. X, Curse Gengars, and regular Garchomp C's. LMK everything you have from my wants and i'll make you an offer involving all the packs. Thanks.

: Holding onto Uxie X until after city champs.

PokeKid Brandon: Holding onto those until after city champs.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

I have uxie x
Rh uxie la (not league)
Regular uxie la
Flygon x
I might gave a cursegar Im not sure
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

Heatran1991: I'd love to get that Uxie X from you. Lets see I have 11 packs which I value at $3 a pack. So:

11 Packs $30-33

Uxie Lv. X $15-20
Spiritomb x 2 $10-12
Garchomp C Lv. X Promo $5-7

Are there any cards from my list you're interested in that I could throw in to help make this trade happen? Cause I'd love to get those, but right now that trade is in my favor. Otherwise I'll stick to the 7 packs for just the 2 Spiritomb and Garchomp C X. LMK thanks!
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

I have a

Garchomp C Lv X (Pack)
2x Garchomp C
1x Charizard PA
1x Expert Belt

Interested in your
Cress Lv X
Gallade 4 RH

Heres my list if I need to throw in some other things...

http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685&page=1 (Trade Thread)
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

Shoyru1444 : No its really not. I could buy one on Ebay right now for $15. And all the completed auctions i'm looking at for it are averaging between $10-20. And I just sold one on Ebay a few weeks ago for a little under $20.

the crippler 18: Thats not enough to get the Cressy X from me, and I'm not seeing much else on your list that I need. Sorry.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

CML for Uxie X, I have several SP trainers as well.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

How about this then...

Garchomp C Lv X (Pack)
1x Luxray GL RH
2x Garchomp C
1x Charizard PA
1x Expert Belt

Azelf LA 2x (1x RH)
Luxray Ball SF (RH)
Roserade SF (RH)
Baltoy GE
Roseanne's Research SW (reverse holo)

LMK or Counter Plz.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

Crippler I'd like to trade for your 2-1 line of Garchomp C. CML.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

I have a bunch of your wants, I'm looking for Uxie X or packs, think we can make a deal?
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

I will trade you my Garchomp C Lv.X (promo) for 1 or 2 flygon from rising rivals
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus


x2 expert belt
blaziken fb (holo)
charizard arceus (RH)


x1 mewtwo lvl x (pack)
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

CML for Uxie X, Absol X, Machamp X (I can offer tons for them)

I also have a dusky x that is not up there
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb, Blaze FB, Gengar stuff

i hav:
garchomp c
flying pikachu

i desperately neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd:
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb Arceus

Zangoosed said:
karimsoliman94: I still have all 11 packs left. The trade with Richkid looks like its not gonna happen. I can give 4 packs for 2 Spritomb AR. LMK thx

ace11: I have few poketurns left and 1 spare Call Energy. Which RH's are u interested in? LMK thx

: Probably 4, maybe 5 since 1 is RH. LMK thx

I would be willing to do this:
My 1x DP 52 (Darkrai) + 3x Expert Belts
Your: 4x Poketurn
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb, Blaze FB, Gengar stuff

spiritomb AR
Gardevoir SW
Blaziken FB
Expert Belt
Charizard Arceus
Luxray GL


Shining Gyarados (Original Neo Revelation)
Mudkip * (Team Rocket Returns)
Metagross * (Delta Species) x 2
Gyarados delta * (Holon Phantoms)
Mew delta * (Dragon Frontiers)
Jolteon * (Power Keepers)

feel free to counter.
RE: H: Arceus Booster Packs W: Spiritomb, Blaze FB, Gengar stuff

I have Gengar AR (Curse) #16/99 x2 (One non-holo, the other RH) and I'm interested in Kingdra LA.