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Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

ChiaPet: I could trade it for a Blaziken FB. LMK thx

DTartagOne: Thats way too in your favor. I go by Ebay and Troll n Toad prices. Heres an offer thats a tad more fair.

Azelf Lv. X
Mesprit Lv. X
Shaymin Lv. X Land
Raichu Lv.X
Palkia Lv.X

Magnezone Prime x 2
Machamp Prime x 2
Gengar SF
Blaze FB x 2
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

That sounds good pm to confirm. I have a RH or holo your choice. Thanks again
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

I no longer have the Magnezones, 1 Machamp and 1 Blaziken
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

DTartagOne: Ok how bout this then:

Machamp Prime
Gengar SF
Blaziken FB

Mesprit Lv. X or Shaymin Lv. X Land
Palkia Lv. X

Thats about $20 worth of value on each of our sides.

LMK thanks
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

I could do x3 for both (which I would prefer) or 2x for scizor. LMK
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

cml for
3 dce hgss
2 feraligatr prime and preevolution
2 vileplume ud and preevolution
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

.::n00bmuffin::.: Would you do Gengar SF and Crobat Prime for all of them?

EriqDeSmasher: I can do 2 Yanmega Prime for Scizor Prime. Lets PM each other.

tiger_1311: I see nothing sorry

DTartagOne: Would you do:

Shaymin Lv. X
Palkia Lv. X

Machamp Prime
Gengar SF
Luxray GL x 2

LMK thanks
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

I have:
Torterra X DP (Pack)
PONT RH CoL (I didn't know if you are inserted in these) x1
VilePlume UD x2 (1RH)
Seeker x1
Pokémon Collector x1
Absol Prime x3
Cyrus Conspiracy x1 (Played)
Pokémon Communication (From the Gyrados Half Deck)

I'm interested in:
Flareon EX
Jolteon *
Rockets Entei ex
DCL Full
Lugia Legend Full

Let me know what you can do. I price my cards via T&T.
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

Could I get you to add a "meh" EX or two to your side to even it out a little? Or, if you saw anything else on my list, I'd trade for the Shining Gyarados (and the *s if you really want something).
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

Sorry, no I think you are getting the better end of that trade, especially with the Palkia X no longer playable.
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

CML for you 1-2x Gengar X and 1x Gengar Prime (main want)
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

.::n00bmuffin::.: Well that deal is probably a tad in my favor, but not enough for me to warrant throwing in an EX. Is there anything else on my list you see that I could throw in of lesser value?

DTartagOne: I didn't realize Palkia X had gone down in value so much, I figured it was atleast still worth $5-8. Would you just do this then:

Mesprit Lv. X

Machamp Prime
Gengar SF

LMK thanks

The Wii Man1234: I'm more than willing to trade a Gengar X, but I dont see anything from your list that I really need.
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

I have:
3x Poketurn
3x Lightning Energy (HGSS)
2x Fighting Energy (HGSS)
1x Dark Energy (HGSS)

How about this for your Ampharos Prime, Scizor Prime and Donphan Prime (good condition, of course)?
RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime

I have:

Yanmega Prime
Scizor Prime
Absol prime
Azelf LP
DPL Bottom

I'm intrested in:

Interviewers Questions RH
Crobat G RH
Pokemon Rescue x 2 RH
Call Energy x 3 (3 Reverse Holo)
Pokedrawer+ x 4 (4 Reverse Holo)

LMK what we can work out. thanks.