RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime
Lunistrella: Nah I still couldn't trade it. Gengar Primes price is in flux right now, it could go up or down, too hard to predict. The Star pokemon have a pretty steady fixed price of $25-30, so thats why I'm only selling.
Metagross * $25
Mudkip * $30
DTartagOne: How bout:
Azelf Lv. X
Dialga Lv. X
Machamp Prime
Yanmega Prime
Blaziken FB RH
.::n00bmuffin::.: Could you list what you have of my wants again please and thank you?
creamyjeremy: How bout
Absol Prime x 2
Yanmega Prime
Scizor Prime
Hikikomori-san: See nothing sorry