I've been playing with this item a bit, and I really think it's potential is as-of-yet untapped. FoGP + this + Compressor is an engine of it's own for those tricky turn one Grass three-part lines. Whichever two out of three you have in your starting hand, you can Skyla/Shaymin for the third. Drop the missing parts Gloom/Vileplume into the discard and pull them out that way.
It's a big engine that takes up a lot of space though. Especially if you have some 3-3-3 grass line running too. It would work out alright if grass had some other cards that work with a Battle Compressor
anyway. But really what is there apart from Vespiquen?
I've been trying it with a 4-4-2/2 Sceptile line, and then another with Parasect/Vivillon, and another Beautifly build, and most of the time, I have three full lines of everything out by turn two thanks to revitiliser. But none of these decks are amazing. And Grass is so lacking in energy acceleration, (also fire decks are around a lot), it kind of feels like it's not worth the effort most of the time.
I'll keep trying though.
Not to be forgotten about either, is it's later game use when that mon that just died comes right back out and gets built right back up.
Great little card itself, it's just the rest of Grass support that is lacking