Rising rivals!

I wish I had a box...
Although my first 6 packs had an Alakazam 4 Lv.X in them. ^^
Would've made an amazing PR deck...

I'll be buying packs out the wazoo now. I need a decent deck for BR's.
I got six singles as well. Getting more at League today. Pulled Mow Rotom and Luxray GL Lv.X out of them.

dmaster out.
i've bought 3 packs now, pulled 4 SP energy, 1 of which RH xD
i pulled:
2 keckleon
1 of both nidoran
1 nidorino
1 houndoom 4
1 carvanha
1 kakuna
1 nuzleaf
1 aron
2 gliscor 4
1 shellos wast
1 sealeo
1 turtwig GL
1 upper energy
4 SP energy
1 wishcash 4
1 scizor 4
1 glaceon
1 aaron
1 flint
1 damage porter
gengar GL
lucario GL
bronzong 4
@Red Blastoise: Ik ben ook nederlands :p Zit je in junior, senior, of masters? Ik in masters.

@ the rest: For what I pulled from my box, I've posted it in the ''Ive pulled something cool'' topic. :)
James said:
@Red Blastoise: Ik ben ook nederlands :p Zit je in junior, senior, of masters? Ik in masters.

@ the rest: For what I pulled from my box, I've posted it in the ''Ive pulled something cool'' topic. :)

james, yoiu can talk english well, so why would you speak dutch, it's not nice to other people if they can't understand:(
maybe continue this conversation through AIM, PM, MSN, or hamachi to stop further spam, PM me your way of converstaion, and of course the name you go on in that conversation method.

d master: your lucky