Wi-Fi Trades Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Adamant Vespiquen and others up for grabs! Breeding serv

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RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Rotom seems to be of worth.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Does it matter what level the Rotom is at?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Umm, how about somewhere near my Snorlax's? It is at Lv. 50, untouched after catching.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Well, my Rotom is at lvl 9 cause I bred the Rotom I caught on my Platinum.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Okay, I will trade for Rotom, but something lesser. Any pokemon you were looking for? Maybe something like this:
You: Rotom and Ralts (need for Surfchu)
Me: A Munchlax that I have breed from Snorlax (in egg) and something in my miscellanious list.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Sorry, man, but I don't have a Ralts. Not on my Platinum anyway and I know I don't have one on my HG. I can, however, catch one for you real fast. Does there need to be any specifics on it?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

No. ChampionofJohto just wants one for his team, so if you want, catch a good nature. Otherwise, just get one. I am currently working on the Munchlax egg, so hold on.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

What would be a good nature for Ralts?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Something that raises special attack, but lowers attack or speed. In other words, Modest or Quiet.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

would you happen to have a shiny pichu?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Afraid not. However, we can work out some kind of deal if you want anything else. Maybe a pokemon for your pokedex?
EDIT: Grizzly, is it okay if you put the Armor and Skull fossil on each of your pokemon too? I can put evolution stones on mine if that is okay.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Let me double check and see if I have an Armor and Skull fossil. I might, but I don't know for sure. It's gonna be hard to do considering my Rotom is on my HG game and the Ralts will be on my Platinum(which might have the fossils)
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Okay. Thanks for your help! Like I said in my initial post, I hardly have any Sinnoh pokemon (I just caught a female combee for gods sake) along with Hoenn pokemon, so this will totally help.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Sigh... *Volleyball BUMP*
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Ok, so I have yet to find a decent Ralts. And I don't have any fossils either. Sorry man.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

OK, the person who wanted it no longer needs it. However, I do want one. It is fine about the fossils, really. So:
You: Rotom and Ralts
Me: A Munchlax that I have breed from Snorlax (now hatched) and a Female Combee
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

@Joey: I'm interested in an Eevee egg. Could you breed one?
@richkid: I'll trade a movie/TRU Areceus for that Rayquaza (cloned of course)
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

ckm555: i have various eevee eggs. if it doesnt matter what nature, IV's, etc... they are i can get you one. okay. for the rayquaza i just need it cloned like you said.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Coolkid, I just got grounded until who knows when. It will be a while.
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