RE: Rogue decks Help! (poll added Need mewtwo help!)
Well i like the mamoswine idea but i came up with another using memory berry to use piloswine's rouse(stormfront) Since all mamoswines hurt themselve, rouse is just rage and it heals. what do ya think?
Also, i once played a bastiodon deck like the one you have there its fun with leftovers too but dialga G X kills it
RE: Rogue decks Help! (poll added Need mewtwo help!)
Ya, that's why I sort of gave up on Bastidon DGX just deafens ftw. Mamo I gave up on just because it was inconsistent. Can you help me with the deck I posted about?
Ok so after a lot of play testing with Garchomp SV I narrowed it to two variants Garchomp with Entei Raikou Legend (ERL) and Garchomp with Metagross LA with Mesprits. What do you think?