Rotation after Worlds 2009-2010

What do you think the rotation will be?

  • Platinum- Up

    Votes: 75 67.0%
  • Legends Awaken- Up

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Others

    Votes: 14 12.5%

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cyndalaphlosion said:
It has to be La on or there would only be 5 usable sets to go to tourneys with. Though sp decks are cheap, I think they'll be around a little longer.

Actually, if we don't include the 3rd HS set, there will be 6 sets to use. I don't know if the 3rd set will come out before worlds.

Honestly though, PL-on would make the most sense, IMO. (Considering we didn't get a rotation last time.)
Gliscor said:
Ummm... if it's LA-on then we will have 9 sets, not 5. LA, SF, PL, RR, SV, AR, HS, UN, and whatever comes out in August. Plus, we have Promos too.

IMO, I think it is PL on. Think about it. PL began in the Winter sets. Same with HS. If they keep rotating every all of the sets that came out in a certain year, it would be much easier for player's to predict and get ready for the next season. Assuming that PL was remain in, making it PL-next Legend set, after each season the sets from the previous year would be rotated. Much easier and better, IMO.

I believe he was referring to the RR-on rotation I was talking about

FoolMeNever2 said:
Actually, if we don't include the 3rd HS set, there will be 6 sets to use. I don't know if the 3rd set will come out before worlds.

Honestly though, PL-on would make the most sense, IMO. (Considering we didn't get a rotation last time.)

the 3rd set pre-releases around Worlds, the week before, the week during, and the week after...I'm not sure if they will be able to use the set for Worlds or you really wouldn't count the 3rd HS set for use until Fall BRs...then that would leave 7 sets for Cities, being there will be a set in between Fall BRs and Cities...which isn't bad at all, for a more well balanced rotation from RR-on, compared to the PT-on that is the expected rotation

at the start of this tourney season, we had 10 sets to use for Fall BRs and 11 sets for Cities...the previous season we had 6 sets for Fall BRs and 7 sets for Cities...hmmmm.....sounds on par with the RR-on rotation, I was just talking about...mere coincidence?
qnetykz said:
yea, the RR-on format, is the best choice for rotation if POP will actually do that, that is uncertain...I hope they do though, just to see a slow down in SPs along with the rest of the meta

Accually if they do have it RR and up, they don't have to worry about the Drapion problem.
Pokeman said:
Accually if they do have it RR and up, they don't have to worry about the Drapion problem.

indeed it will, which is another reason why I think that it is the best possible rotation
I don't think it will happen though, mean they are not just going to get rid of one Platinum set, it will hopefully just be Platinum up.
Pokeman said:
I don't think it will happen though, mean they are not just going to get rid of one Platinum set, it will hopefully just be Platinum up.

it may or may not happen...after all, my set count for after rotation explanation is really starting to make me think that a RR-on rotation is more likely than a PT-on rotation...especially since it would make it so that there are no cards available to be played that are unplayable do to no previous stages and still rotate all of DP out...they didn't leave any cards unplayable after last year's (non)rotation, which was one of the reason why I predicted there would be no rotation last year
karimsoliman94 said:
japan had an 8 set rotation so i know we will soon follow, so it is going to be RR-on

If this is so, then SP will really be bad, and there would be no SP trainers. That would really suck, I hope not.
Pokeman said:
Accually if they do have it RR and up, they don't have to worry about the Drapion problem.

In all honesty I don't think anyone is really going to care about the Drapion problem. Bad card is bad and won't see any competitive play.
Firestorm said:
In all honesty I don't think anyone is really going to care about the Drapion problem. Bad card is bad and won't see any competitive play.

that's what people were saying about Rhyperior Lv. X...but yet, they made sure it could still be played, not only that...Drapion Lv. X really isn't that bad of a card

Pokeman said:
If this is so, then SP will really be bad, and there would be no SP trainers. That would really suck, I hope not.

actually there still are SP support...Flint's, Bertha's, Aaron's, SP Radar...all came from RR
karimsoliman94 said:
japan had an 8 set rotation so i know we will soon follow, so it is going to be RR-on

I knew Japan had their Rotations before we did cause I read about it on PokeGym but I didn't know it was going to be Rising Rivals-On. Yeah that about seals the icing on the cake right there.

Whatever new Season Japan follows, the rest of the world follows as well.
Card Slinger J said:
I knew Japan had their Rotations before we did cause I read about it on PokeGym but I didn't know it was going to be Rising Rivals-On. Yeah that about seals the icing on the cake right there.

Whatever new Season Japan follows, the rest of the world follows as well.

acutally, that's not always true...we have actually been trying to get in line with Japan's rotation the past couple of seasons...and if we go to RR-on after this rotation...we will be right in line...

and now reading that Japan has rotated to a RR-on'ish format...I think that solidifies my prediction to be RR-on
It's Gotta Be...

Platinum-On... I can't see any other way they'd do it...

That will remove 7 sets from the current format and sets up well for HGSS-On for the 2011 rotation.

I would be shocked if the following didn't happen-

2010-2011 Season --- Platinum-On
2011-2012 Season --- HGSS-On
I've only recently gotten into playing the game, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be silly to disregard Platinum when it is part of the "Platinum set"? The set titles aren't "Arceus" it's "Platinum: Arceus". You all are correct about the Drapion unless they make a change and allow the RR Drapion to be used. Or they could just do SF on. Though that would kill my Platinum Base Set argument since they'd have only one DP set ^^

I also think it's difficult to say that we'll follow the Japanese rotation since our sets are identical. The way they've been mixing the past few sets... it's hard to compare it one-to-one.

I'm thinking Platinum-on, just because one card (Drapion) shouldn't stop them from killing off DP. From a collector's standpoint, I kind of hope they do get rid of all the DP so I can buy their boxes for less than a fortune! xD
Pokeman said:
If this is so, then SP will really be bad, and there would be no SP trainers. That would really suck, I hope not.

Thats the point! Cause after rotation, Claydol and uxie will be gone so evolution decks will auto loss to SP unless they are gone or severly hindered too.
Pogaf said:
I've only recently gotten into playing the game, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be silly to disregard Platinum when it is part of the "Platinum set"? The set titles aren't "Arceus" it's "Platinum: Arceus". You all are correct about the Drapion unless they make a change and allow the RR Drapion to be used. Or they could just do SF on. Though that would kill my Platinum Base Set argument since they'd have only one DP set ^^

I also think it's difficult to say that we'll follow the Japanese rotation since our sets are identical. The way they've been mixing the past few sets... it's hard to compare it one-to-one.

I'm thinking Platinum-on, just because one card (Drapion) shouldn't stop them from killing off DP. From a collector's standpoint, I kind of hope they do get rid of all the DP so I can buy their boxes for less than a fortune! xD

actually, that's not goin to make it so you can buy boxes cheaper for real...alot of times popular sets still keep their value after they rotate out

while we do mix be honest...we are only a set behind the Japanese, so having a rotation schedule equal to theirs isn't as "farfetch'd" as it seems

also, I highly doubt POP or TPCi want to leave cards available in the format that can't be played...they didn't leave any cards unplayable after the (non)rotation last year, when everybody thought they were going to rotate sets...I don't see why they wouldn't continue with that mindset...rotating sets to keep this from happening is very feasible, where last year it wasn't

the rotation of the sets have nothing to do with leaving blocks complete after rotation...the last actual rotation we had removed the last 3 EX sets from the rotation and made it completely a DP-on set...that left 6 playable sets for the start of the following tournament season...after this season, if they rotate to RR-on...they will leave 6 playable sets for the start of the next tournament season again...see a pattern here?

not only that...a PT-on format would just be totally unbalancing, as SPs would really go unchecked throughout the meta, as if they aren't unbalancing as is...rotating to RR-on would not only ensure that no cards get left unplayable, but it would also balance out the meta between SPs and EVOs...SPs would lose all the really cheap support they have, but still have support in: Flint's, Bertha's, Aaron's, and SP-Radar, therefore still making them playable, just not nearly as disrupting...SPs lose Power Spray, EVOs lose Alakazam's Power Cancel...SP's lose Unown G protection, EVOs lose Machamp (SF)...

RR-on is a much better option for rotation than PT-on, and it's been rumored that Japan rotated to an RR-on format...yea, I'm sticking with the RR-on format prediction...I wasn't wrong last year when I predicted no rotation, let's see if I'm wrong this year
RR-on makes no sense. They'll essentially KILL a deck-type (SPs) while creating room for stage 2 decks and such to reign supreme. If they're going to do RR-on, they might as well do HGSS-on because SPs will be useless. Also, they are not "too fast" or "too powerful", there are many things stage 2 decks can do to shut them down. Mentioning how they can power spray a claydol and shut down an opponent's strategy is irrelevant, because in this hypothetical (as of now) rotation will see Claydol leaving the format. I also think a lot of people overlook the fact that Cyrus' Conspiracy isn't only good in SP decks; if you run two Crobat Gs you can benefit from the SP engine as well.

Another thing is the fact that Azelf will be leaving, meaning SPs will lose some consistency and will have to start running 2-2 Lv. X lines rather than 3-1 for fear of the Lv. X being prized.

I think PT-on makes the most sense; the Drapion argument is so overused and I don't think it holds any merit. Hardly anybody uses the deck, and I am fairly certain that another Drapion will be released in the next set. (Skorupi came in a recent set, but no Drapion... So if it was RR-on, then what's the deal with the random Skorupi?)
festizzio said:
RR-on makes no sense. They'll essentially KILL a deck-type (SPs) while creating room for stage 2 decks and such to reign supreme. If they're going to do RR-on, they might as well do HGSS-on because SPs will be useless. Also, they are not "too fast" or "too powerful", there are many things stage 2 decks can do to shut them down. Mentioning how they can power spray a claydol and shut down an opponent's strategy is irrelevant, because in this hypothetical (as of now) rotation will see Claydol leaving the format. I also think a lot of people overlook the fact that Cyrus' Conspiracy isn't only good in SP decks; if you run two Crobat Gs you can benefit from the SP engine as well.

Another thing is the fact that Azelf will be leaving, meaning SPs will lose some consistency and will have to start running 2-2 Lv. X lines rather than 3-1 for fear of the Lv. X being prized.

I think PT-on makes the most sense; the Drapion argument is so overused and I don't think it holds any merit. Hardly anybody uses the deck, and I am fairly certain that another Drapion will be released in the next set. (Skorupi came in a recent set, but no Drapion... So if it was RR-on, then what's the deal with the random Skorupi?)'s ok for them to get even more dominate, being that EVO decks lose their draw engines...while they keep their Cyrus engine, which is the most consistent set up there is??? I'm sorry, but losing Cyrus' Conspiracy, Energy Gain, PokeTurn, and Power Spray will not kill SP...all it does is even the playing field...if it's PT-on you might as well not include HGSS sets until the following year, because that is all these lazy, non-creative, unoriginal players are playing now, and that's all they're going to continue to play

as for you rebuttal to the Drapion Skorupi still able to be played? yes, it is...also, rotating last year would have left Rhyperior Lv. X and Froslass (LA) unplayable, but yet, there was no rotation and no card was left unable to be played...why do that now?

EVO decks can benefit from the SP engine???...unless your pokemon base is 80% or more SP, then Cyrus' only helps as much as just adding in a Staraptor FBX...thinking that EVO decks can benefit from the SP engine is utterly preposterous, if you're not really running SP, you're not going to benefit from an SP engine, Crobat G or not...PT-on is the most unbalancing choice out of rotation predictions out there...sure you can slow them down, but if you don't have a means to speed up, due to the draw engine being gone...they are still faster than you...slowing down SPs and then utilizing you draw engine to continue to setup is how SPs aren't as dominate as they could be...if it wasn't for cards like Claydol and Uxie, slowing them down would be nothing more than delaying the inevitable

when SPs still have cards like SP-Radar, Flint's, and Bertha's...along with Aaron's for recovery...that looks more like evening the playing field than to allow them to just run rampant with even less to draw engine, no Unown G, no Power Cancel, no Machamp (SF), no Gengar (SF), no Gastly (SF), no BTS, no Azelf (MT), no Mime (MT), no Mewtwo X.....looks like alot that was in favor for EVO decks (or made it so that it's not so heavily in favor for SPs) would be leaving the format, therefore tipping the scale even more to SP it's ok to essentially kill what the game was based off of in EVO decks, but not to kill one of the cheapest mechanics the game has ever seen in SP decks...if anything doesn't make sense, that doesn't make sense

P.S.: it's a good thing that they reprinted Rare Candy...otherwise, after the rotation, what reason would there be to even attempt to play an EVO deck competitively...ohh and allowing EVO decks to reign supreme, wasn't this game built on EVO decks, and after SPs have all rotated out, isn't that's what's going to happen anyway?
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