Round 3 Pairings are up NOW!!!

RE: RS Tournament PRIZE SUPPORT Sign up NOW!

Ox_Trainer is in.
My deck will be my Rogue Quaq's deck.
Good Luck to all!
RE: RS Tournament PRIZE SUPPORT Sign up NOW!

Lost against Chrisrocks

Count me out cause i wont be here. Srry
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW!

Are these matches best of three?
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW!

I won in a game that my opponent called "Rigged" when they had T1 Judge with Warp Point to get their Ralts out AND an Uxie.. then both Kirlia and their 1 Claydol are prized.. and theyd dont play azelf.. so it was my fault. <3
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW!

I didn't notice 2 of 3, however, I do not see it as a problem, since we did finish 1 complete game, and have until Wednesday to finish the other 2. Also, you disconnected after the first game was over.
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW!

Quickly, I just want to apologize to Paris for my attitude yesterday, it was uncalled for and very rude of me. I am sorry.
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW!

From what paris1010 tells me you won game 1, and then he disconnected because he didn't know it was Bo3..atm you (muffins) has the win but if he manages to win the final 2 games, i will give him the win.
RE: Round 1 Pairings are up NOW!

I didn't know it was Bo3 either lol, so I will be happy to play out the other games.