I can do exactly the same thing if I wanted to.LaprasBoi said:Thanks, the helps clear things up.Absol said:By using the emerald clone glitch, you are actually merging 2 save files together, so no traces of codes in it. My answer is IIRC'ed.
(BTW, I was using ?code? in the sense of ?lines of programming code that make up a Pokémon within a save file?.)
Cool. The reason I asked is that I am already setting up some trades in my player thread( apparently having a number of shiny Zubat and legitimate Celebi makes me popular in that regard), several of which have included discussion of cloned Pokémon.Water Pokémon Master said:The Emerald glitch would most likely not get you caught, unless you kept both Pokemon in the same game. I don't know if they would really get mad if you did, anyway, since you can do it in-game and it's not really enhancing, just duplicating.
I'd also like the answer to this.Do you think Nintendo will try to patch the clone glitch with D/P, the way they patched the Berry glitch with CBD/FR/LG/E?( If you think this is too far off-topic, just PM me and edit it out of this post, or I will.)
What do you mean “catch that”, dude? Rare candies are part of the game. As in, deliberately included by the designers. They are not a cheat, and there is no reason why they would be disallowed( I highly doubt they could even be detected anyway). And if they were, Nintendo would say something. Of course, I am assuming that you came by the candies legally. If you hacked a bunch of them directly into your bag, yeah, that might get you caught...Lugia58 said:What if you had leveled up some of your Pokemon with rare candies? Would Nintendo catch that if you won an official local tournament and they took your game to check for any cheats?
-The Guardian of the Sea
They were hacked into a different game, I traded my Pokemon onto it, leveled them up, and traded them back. There are 0-3 Rare Candies in my bag and PC, and they were not hacked. Is that OK? And would they catch if you had hacked the game for fun before, and then restarted it, then played it legally, and then traded the Pokemon to D/P?LaprasBoi said:What do you mean ?catch that?, dude? Rare candies are part of the game. As in, deliberately included by the designers. They are not a cheat, and there is no reason why they would be disallowed( I highly doubt they could even be detected anyway). And if they were, Nintendo would say something. Of course, I am assuming that you came by the candies legally. If you hacked a bunch of them directly into your bag, yeah, that might get you caught...Lugia58 said:What if you had leveled up some of your Pokemon with rare candies? Would Nintendo catch that if you won an official local tournament and they took your game to check for any cheats?
-The Guardian of the Sea
I really don't remember...I only did it because I was running out of time to train for the JAA tournament...I plan to post stats once I get more time. What about the cheat-restart-don't cheat?Black Rayquaza said:I think I got this one......Using Rare Candys to level up your pokemon, ISNT A CHEAT.....you cant get caught for it. It is considered cheating, but it dosent make EV's or stats higher so It's legal. In fact, using RC's to level up pokemon, I believe is WORSE then acually training. They come out with WEAKER stats. If you wanna hurt your chances of winning then do it. You do have to clarify on your "My Player" which ones were RC'd though.
As for the glitch question......I want the answer! But how would anyone know yet? Noone has the American version. Although, as soon as i try it, I'll be sure to let everyone know!
Read the first post of the thread before asking questions that ARE ALREADY ANSWERED.Evan Eeveelution Master said:Is it cheating to catch a shiny on leafgreen, trade it to emerald, copy it, and trade one copy back?
I’m not sure the mods are paying attention to this thread at the moment. I am still new here, so not quite sure what to tell ya, but perhaps you should try reporting his thread and/or PMing a mod if you’re really concerned.Oliv17 said:My own brother, that you all know as Chimchar, is trading cheated Pokemon to everyone. He is postiong on his My Player Thread that they are all real.
Can you please try to stop him before he sends his cheats cross-country?
Water Pokémon Master said:Cheating for Pokemon, as we define it, is enhancing a Pokemon with a cheating device and doing so unfairly. If you use an encounter code, that's fine. You are not altering the Pokemon, you just want to find it faster - in essence, you are just speeding up the process. Cheating would be altering its IVs or attacks, then capturing it, then raising it. That is cheating, and it is not tolerated. The whole point to Pokemon is raising these creatures. Skipping that process is cheating.