DPPt/HGSS Rules with Cheating Devices (read after you make your thread)

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What about trading/transfering from GC games(XD and Colloseum) and maybe Battle Revolution when it comes out? Does that have to be mentioned too?
What if you had leveled up some of your Pokemon with rare candies? Would Nintendo catch that if you won an official local tournament and they took your game to check for any cheats?

LaprasBoi said:
Absol said:
By using the emerald clone glitch, you are actually merging 2 save files together, so no traces of codes in it. My answer is IIRC'ed.
Thanks, the helps clear things up. :)
(BTW, I was using ?code? in the sense of ?lines of programming code that make up a Pokémon within a save file?.)
Water Pokémon Master said:
The Emerald glitch would most likely not get you caught, unless you kept both Pokemon in the same game. I don't know if they would really get mad if you did, anyway, since you can do it in-game and it's not really enhancing, just duplicating.
Cool. The reason I asked is that I am already setting up some trades in my player thread( apparently having a number of shiny Zubat and legitimate Celebi makes me popular in that regard), several of which have included discussion of cloned Pokémon.
I can do exactly the same thing if I wanted to.
Do you think Nintendo will try to patch the clone glitch with D/P, the way they patched the Berry glitch with CBD/FR/LG/E?( If you think this is too far off-topic, just PM me and edit it out of this post, or I will.)
I'd also like the answer to this.

-The Guardian of the Sea
Lugia58 said:
What if you had leveled up some of your Pokemon with rare candies? Would Nintendo catch that if you won an official local tournament and they took your game to check for any cheats?
-The Guardian of the Sea
What do you mean “catch that”, dude? Rare candies are part of the game. As in, deliberately included by the designers. They are not a cheat, and there is no reason why they would be disallowed( I highly doubt they could even be detected anyway). And if they were, Nintendo would say something. Of course, I am assuming that you came by the candies legally. If you hacked a bunch of them directly into your bag, yeah, that might get you caught...
LaprasBoi said:
Lugia58 said:
What if you had leveled up some of your Pokemon with rare candies? Would Nintendo catch that if you won an official local tournament and they took your game to check for any cheats?
-The Guardian of the Sea
What do you mean ?catch that?, dude? Rare candies are part of the game. As in, deliberately included by the designers. They are not a cheat, and there is no reason why they would be disallowed( I highly doubt they could even be detected anyway). And if they were, Nintendo would say something. Of course, I am assuming that you came by the candies legally. If you hacked a bunch of them directly into your bag, yeah, that might get you caught...
They were hacked into a different game, I traded my Pokemon onto it, leveled them up, and traded them back. There are 0-3 Rare Candies in my bag and PC, and they were not hacked. Is that OK? And would they catch if you had hacked the game for fun before, and then restarted it, then played it legally, and then traded the Pokemon to D/P?
I think I got this one......Using Rare Candys to level up your pokemon, ISNT A CHEAT.....you cant get caught for it. It is considered cheating, but it dosent make EV's or stats higher so It's legal. In fact, using RC's to level up pokemon, I believe is WORSE then acually training. They come out with WEAKER stats. If you wanna hurt your chances of winning then do it. You do have to clarify on your "My Player" which ones were RC'd though.

As for the glitch question......I want the answer! But how would anyone know yet? Noone has the American version. Although, as soon as i try it, I'll be sure to let everyone know!
Black Rayquaza said:
I think I got this one......Using Rare Candys to level up your pokemon, ISNT A CHEAT.....you cant get caught for it. It is considered cheating, but it dosent make EV's or stats higher so It's legal. In fact, using RC's to level up pokemon, I believe is WORSE then acually training. They come out with WEAKER stats. If you wanna hurt your chances of winning then do it. You do have to clarify on your "My Player" which ones were RC'd though.

As for the glitch question......I want the answer! But how would anyone know yet? Noone has the American version. Although, as soon as i try it, I'll be sure to let everyone know!
I really don't remember...I only did it because I was running out of time to train for the JAA tournament...I plan to post stats once I get more time. What about the cheat-restart-don't cheat?

-The Guardian of the Sea
Evan Eeveelution Master said:
Is it cheating to catch a shiny on leafgreen, trade it to emerald, copy it, and trade one copy back?
Read the first post of the thread before asking questions that ARE ALREADY ANSWERED.
:( My own brother, that you all know as Chimchar, is trading cheated Pokemon to everyone. He is postiong on his My Player Thread that they are all real. :( Can you please try to stop him before he sends his cheats cross-country?
Oliv17 said:
:( My own brother, that you all know as Chimchar, is trading cheated Pokemon to everyone. He is postiong on his My Player Thread that they are all real. :( Can you please try to stop him before he sends his cheats cross-country?
I’m not sure the mods are paying attention to this thread at the moment. I am still new here, so not quite sure what to tell ya, but perhaps you should try reporting his thread and/or PMing a mod if you’re really concerned.
EDIT: I just looked at his thread... he doesn’t seem to be trying to pretend anything is real.
Question raised! (since I can't really find an answer to this in this thread)

if person A uses a cheating device to encounter shinies faster, and trades it to person B, and person B gets an ''cheat check'' for a tournament, will he be seen as a cheater?

yeah, I know this thread says pokébeach thinks taht it's ok to do that, but will nintendo see it as cheating?

Greetz, James :D
i had my friend trade me a bunch of pokemon, then trade them back to his game to raise my poke dex. i think that he used a cheat on them. Am i allowed to use the mewtwo i got to capture from having a large pokedex?(in lg, he is opened up when you have 60 guys)
I have a question, what about warp code pokemon? Would they be semi legit or hacked?

For example, I use a warp code to warp to faraway island on Emerald to catch it. If I want another mew though, I'd have to restart and play through the game.

Is it ok as long as I inform those I trade with I warped to get it? (which I do)
everyone cheats at some time so as long as they dont have max stats it shouldnt matter because there is no way to tell if the pokemon are cheated cause it will say met at pal park
RE: Rules with Cheating Devices

Water Pokémon Master said:
Cheating for Pokemon, as we define it, is enhancing a Pokemon with a cheating device and doing so unfairly. If you use an encounter code, that's fine. You are not altering the Pokemon, you just want to find it faster - in essence, you are just speeding up the process. Cheating would be altering its IVs or attacks, then capturing it, then raising it. That is cheating, and it is not tolerated. The whole point to Pokemon is raising these creatures. Skipping that process is cheating.

hey what if I used a level code combined with a encounter code so basicly if I used the level 100 cheat and used an encounter code to get my mawlie and then raised its stats using stat raising drinks
So I just need to make sure. In Sapphire, I was playing around with my friends and used an AR on it I believe... not sure really. But I only used it to obtain a few of the legendaries, such as Mew and Lugia, as well as Ho-oh and Celebi. I did not enhance any of these pokemon, but then my friend went onto my game and leveled up my Walrein, Jirachi, and Snorlax without me knowing because I left the room after saving only to discover this... and now I can't use any of these pokemon, such as the legitimate Jirachi I took forever to get off the pre-order disc? Now I can't use Jirachi... -_-
ok, I also have a question to add to the list.....

WPM says Encounter codes are fine.....well what about using a "Warp" code to get to Legendary Spots in the game [Birth Isl, Navel Rock, Faraway Isl etc] and them catching them legally. Isnt that Legit? I mean, you caught them where everybody else did, you just got there a different way. Same question goes for using codes to get the Tickets.....if you use a code to get the ticket and then go there, it shouldnt be considered hacked or cheated.

The way I look at it, theres nothing wrong with using ITEM codes....just because I rarely trade them, and I'd like to have useful things around me. Is this considered "Hacked or Cheated" so that if I give one of those items onto a pokemon theyll be cheated now? I just want to make the game funner and easier at my pleasure....so please clarify.
I remember about moves that you can get your pokemon to know by GS. One was a 1 hit KO w/ full accuracy and was never a move in any guide book so watch out for a move that may look like your pokemon just got neuced because that happened to me and my friend in an official nintendo tournament.
Let's say that I have a lot of free time on my hands. I mean A LOT. If I am able to exploit the EV system and breed pokemon for the best stats would that be considered unfair? It is possible to make a pokemon learn or gain incredible stats via breeding and EVs with enough time and patience. Is there a cap to it or rules regarding it?
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