DPPt/HGSS Rules with Cheating Devices (read after you make your thread)

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Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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Advanced Member
Cheating will most likely be encountered in any large group of people, so let's lay down a couple of clear ground rules so that we do not have to run into any future problems and possibly ban some people. :)

1. If you have used a cheating device on any Pokemon, or obtained a Pokemon through a trade that was cheated in some way, you must specify what you did to it and make completely clear how it was cheated when trading it or battling with it.

2. It is not suggested that you trade any cheated Pokemon. If you do, you will only be allowed to do so a limited number of times. If we see you trading cheated Pokemon like there is no tomorrow, we will have to shut you down.

3. It is okay to battle with cheated Pokemon, ONLY IF your opponent agrees and you make it completely clear what you did. HOWEVER, when it comes to earning points for competitive or restrictive battles, or against PokeBeach gym leaders and others, enhancing or creating any Pokemon with a cheating device will not be permitted under any circumstances. In other words, any cheated Pokemon are not allowed in battles where you will earn points toward wins and losses and future prizes. Cheated Pokemon should only be used for battle when you just want to play for fun, or test out something (basically, anything "just for fun").

4. The Emerald cloning trick is not considered cheating. Since it is only a duplication of an existing Pokemon, it's not so much "I am too lazy or lack time to raise a Pokemon, so I am going to clone it," but more like "I want to trade these rare or powerful Pokemon with others that I put work into so that other people can have them as well." HOWEVER, in trading any Emerald duplicated Pokemon, you must indicate that it was cloned. If it is a duplication of a cheated Pokemon, you must specify when trading or battling, and like with regular cheated Pokemon, it will not be permitted in battles that are worth points.

Bottom line: If you did anything to a Pokemon you know you cannot do simply with your DS and D/P or your Gameboy and R/S/E/FR/LG, specify in complete detail and make clear what you did.

Anyone who is caught trading cheated Pokemon who have not made it explicitly clear that they are cheated or enhanced or duplicated will be banned from these forums. Anyone who trades cheated Pokemon excessively will be given a warning, then banned if it continues in large amounts. Anyone who battles in a match that is worth points, or anyone who battles another without specifying that they are using cheated Pokemon and what they did to them, will be banned from these forums.

There will undoubtedly be official Pokemon tournaments in the future, such as the JAA Events. PokeBeach will not support cheating during these events. If a PUSA member happens to contact us and we see that the Pokemon you traded for or battled with here were cheated and are the same Pokemon you used at the official events, our mouths will not be closed. We do not permit cheating during battles here that are worth points, and we expect you to hold the same rules and values in real life for tournaments where you will win items. It is dishonest and lazy to use cheated Pokemon during battles that are worth something, and if you do not have the time to raise legitimate Pokemon, then you should not even be playing in an official tournament. 'nuff said.
RE: Rules with Cheating Devices

quick question: I have used cheats and enjoy using them, but I dont use them to enhance stats or anything.....my opinion on the matter is as long as you dont make it UNFAIR to the other players, then it shouldnt be considered cheating like you do. Please note that I think that you need to play the game and complete it first, and then when you run outta fun, spice it up a little with an AR or Gameshark. But codes like encounter codes, or getting Rare Candys or Master Balls shouldnt be considered REAL cheating when it comes to battleing with others. I would NEVER use cheats to make my stats better.....that IS CHEATING. But getting the pokemon you like, the way you like them, is much easier using an AR then traveling half the globe to an event to get it. So I think there should be levels of cheating that are permitted and some that arent.

Just my opinion,
-Black Rayquaza
RE: Rules with Cheating Devices

Cheating for Pokemon, as we define it, is enhancing a Pokemon with a cheating device and doing so unfairly. If you use an encounter code, that's fine. You are not altering the Pokemon, you just want to find it faster - in essence, you are just speeding up the process. Cheating would be altering its IVs or attacks, then capturing it, then raising it. That is cheating, and it is not tolerated. The whole point to Pokemon is raising these creatures. Skipping that process is cheating.
RE: Rules with Cheating Devices

so im not cheating? Another quick question: When trading these pokemon i recieved using an encounter code, I do still have to tell them I used an encounter code right? Or does it not matter?
RE: Rules with Cheating Devices

You need to specify your situation.

Cheating in general is using any other device on a Pokemon game, other than the cartridge and the gaming system. What we tolerate is the question. And yes, if you do ANYTHING to a Pokemon that you cannot do with JUST the cartridge and the system (Emerald glitch included), you MUST specify and let others know when you put it up for trade or battle. If you did not capture it naturally or raised it with the aid of things you cannot do with just the game, you must specify. If you just captured it with a cheated Masterball, no one will care, since it was not something that enhanced the Pokemon, but merely made the process quicker. People will care if you altered the Pokemon's IVs, then captured it.
RE: Rules with Cheating Devices

ok, will do. So if I understand correctly, using an encounter or shiny cheat is okay and NOT CONSIDERED cheating but you still must let whoever you TRADE or BATTLE with that you used them. But I can still trade the pokemon or battle with them as long as I specify right? And the battles WILL COUNT seeing as Im not cheating any IV's Stats Moves ETC? Sorry for all the questions, I just wanna know whats right and wrong.
1. Is using any encounter code okay? Is it cheating?
Yes, encounter codes are okay here. Yes, it is cheating, since you cannot do it with JUST your system and cartridge. I will have to look up further if encounter codes influence the IVs of the Pokemon you capture to fully answer if this is permitted for battles.

2. Are shiny codes okay?
Absolutely not when it comes to trading, unless the person receiving it wants it and later specifies that it was cheated from the person they got it from. Even though shining Pokemon are no different than other Pokemon, other than color, these are valuable for trading, and the whole point of shining Pokemon is for trades. Is it okay for battles? Yes, since it does not influence the battle other than make it longer with the sparkly effect. You just must tell that it was cheated to make it shiny.
1. Im about 95% sure it dosent....ive had two of the same pokemon one I got using an encounter code and it very close.

2. Well I wont be trading any I do not believe, but I do have a couple trades pending where I told them I'd use an AR to get it and it was absolutely fine with those people. I will be battleing with some shinys though, and I will specify when that time comes.

I think that hacked shiny pokemon turn a bit "dodgy" due to the alteration of the code, so the DP cartridge might actually prevent you from trading them (this happened on collo/XD, so it's probably on DP too) or using them in online battles. I know this happens for illegal movesets anyway, so maybe the blacklist won't have to be updated every two minutes.
Not a question about the policy per se, but about something related: I know that if you win an official local tournament, before sending you to regionals/nationals, Nintendo takes your games to analyze for any signs of cheat-device usage, such as as enhanced Pokémon or other anomalous code. To the best of your knowledge, would duplicates created by this “Emerald clone glitch” set off their alarms and disqualify you? Or are they identical, code-wise, to the originals?
LaprasBoi said:
Not a question about the policy per se, but about something related: I know that if you win an official local tournament, before sending you to regionals/nationals, Nintendo takes your games to analyze for any signs of cheat-device usage, such as as enhanced Pokémon or other anomalous code. To the best of your knowledge, would duplicates created by this “Emerald clone glitch” set off their alarms and disqualify you? Or are they identical, code-wise, to the originals?

By using the emerald clone glitch, you are actually merging 2 save files together, so no traces of codes in it. My answer is IIRC'ed.
The Emerald glitch would most likely not get you caught, unless you kept both Pokemon in the same game. I don't know if they would really get mad if you did, anyway, since you can do it in-game and it's not really enhancing, just duplicating.
Absol said:
By using the emerald clone glitch, you are actually merging 2 save files together, so no traces of codes in it. My answer is IIRC'ed.
Thanks, the helps clear things up. :)
(BTW, I was using “code” in the sense of “lines of programming code that make up a Pokémon within a save file”.)
Water Pokémon Master said:
The Emerald glitch would most likely not get you caught, unless you kept both Pokemon in the same game. I don't know if they would really get mad if you did, anyway, since you can do it in-game and it's not really enhancing, just duplicating.
Cool. The reason I asked is that I am already setting up some trades in my player thread( apparently having a number of shiny Zubat and legitimate Celebi makes me popular in that regard), several of which have included discussion of cloned Pokémon. I just wanted to make sure that completing these trades would not eliminate me from future competitions. Obviously, the whole point of the cloning is for me to recieve/send a copy and have the original trainer keep the original, so two copies would not be kept on one game, or even by one person!
(And yes, I know you don’t work for Nintendo and can’t be certain. I won’t blame you if it gets me caught. Just wanted to get some opinions on the subject.)

Do you think Nintendo will try to patch the clone glitch with D/P, the way they patched the Berry glitch with CBD/FR/LG/E?( If you think this is too far off-topic, just PM me and edit it out of this post, or I will.)
What if <insert name here> used the Japanese Darkai & Sheimi glitch....is that counted as cheating?
Nope, it's like the emerald glitch. I got my shaymin using only Pearl and a DS, so it should be 100% legal.
Yup, but aint the Pokemon in Jap? Then, who would be very willing to tradse with you? More importantly, C-M, are you willing to trade? :p
My precious Shaymin, no way!
Yes, the Pokémon is in Japanese, so I have no idea if I will even be able to trade it :S
Um, for most of my team, I used encounter codes to get the Pokémon at the lowest stage possible(e.g. my Bellossom was caught as an Oddish and raised up to the level it is now.). Is that considered cheating? I assume it is, but I just want to be sure. Also, I maximized the EVs of my team thruogh encounter codes. Is that considered cheating? What about breeding a Pokémon caught through an encounter code with a Pokémon caught without the use of a cheating device? I need to know so I can specify in my "MY Player" thread. Sorry if I seem a bit obsessive about it...
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