Arcanine954 Credit to Articwhite! Member Aug 19, 2012 #101 Love your pachirichu and the black white recolorings, especially the raikou. I enjoy looking at your art.
Love your pachirichu and the black white recolorings, especially the raikou. I enjoy looking at your art.
B Bisharp37 Aspiring Trainer Member Aug 24, 2012 #105 Wow these are really good. I really like the Mew the Raikou and the Cobalion.
Ice Arceus #Jovimohnaeliackvid Forum Mod Advanced Member Member Aug 24, 2012 #106 Picked really nice colors on the Kyogre recoloring. As for the splice, I just find Pikachu's left Charizard wing to be off due to the positioning. You might want to work on that. Besides that, great job.
Picked really nice colors on the Kyogre recoloring. As for the splice, I just find Pikachu's left Charizard wing to be off due to the positioning. You might want to work on that. Besides that, great job.
9Tailz the human embodiment of garbodor Member Aug 24, 2012 #107 The Absol's blue-green color is a little bright, but other than that it's great. I also like the Raikou.
The Absol's blue-green color is a little bright, but other than that it's great. I also like the Raikou.
Grumpigfarmer Gonna arty like it's my birthday(Cuz it was) Member Aug 24, 2012 #108 Wow!!! Love the Kyogre recolor! My fav colors
L Luckyfire Aspiring Trainer Member Aug 31, 2012 #111 Those are sick sprites. I think you could beat TFW in a spriting contest. :O /me wants Glacatrino.
L Luckyfire Aspiring Trainer Member Aug 31, 2012 #113 The Glaceon and Artiruno (dunno if I spelled that right) fusion. Keep it up.
Grumpigfarmer Gonna arty like it's my birthday(Cuz it was) Member Aug 31, 2012 #115 I love Glacatrino!!! you are great at what you do!
Blui lv85 paladin Member Sep 1, 2012 #117 :O I has forgotten about this awesome thread! Looking awesome as per usual treegun!
L Luckyfire Aspiring Trainer Member Sep 1, 2012 #119 Very nice spriting, again. Oh, man. I totally confused Glacatruino with Espoigeot...