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Sablelock. any tournament. (HELP PLEASE)

Brave Vesperia

Forum Smod
Forum Super Mod
Forum Mod
I do not have all of the cards I need for it yet but here is what I have so far.
3 sableye SF
2-2 honchkrow SV
2-1 garchomp C lv.x SV
1-1 blaziken FB lv.x SV
1 crobat G PL
2 uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 mesprit LA
------------------ 17 pokemon
2 expert belt AR
3 energy gain PL
2 SP radar RR
3 power spray PL
2 poketurn PL
2 judge UL
1 palmer's contribution SV
4 seeker TR
2 cyrus's initiative SV
1 cyrus's conspiracy PL
3 bebe's search RR
------------------------- 25 T/S/S
2 fire energy
4 basic dark energy
4 special dark energy
4 double colorless energy
------------------------------- 14 energy
So all toggether I have 58 cards and I still need 1 sableye SF, 1 garchomp C lv.x SV, 2 poketurn PL and 3 cyrus's conspiracy PL but I have no idea what to take out to make the room for all that stuff. Please help.
EDIT: I forgot to loist 2 pokemon collectors that I have in this deck. (my math is bad some please dont blame me for counting wrong)
RE: Sablelock. Masters, any tournament. (HELP PLEASE)

the aura is with me8 said:
I do not have all of the cards I need for it yet but here is what I have so far.
4 sableye SF
2-2 honchkrow SV
2-2 garchomp C lv.x SV
1-1 blaziken FB lv.x SV
2 crobat G PL
2-1 uxie LA
1 azelf LA
1 mesprit LA
1 Unown Q MD
------------------ 1722 pokemon
-4 Seeker TR
3 cyrus's conspiracy PL
2 bebe's search RR
2 cyrus's initiative SV
2 judge UL
1 palmer's contribution SV/1 Aaron's Collection
4 poketurn PL
3 energy gain PL
3 power spray PL
2 expert belt AR
2 SP radar RR
1 Luxury Ball
1 VS Seeker
1 Junk Arm
------------------------- 27 T/S/S
2 Fire
2 Dark
------------------------------- 11 energy
So all toggether I have 58 cards and I still need 1 sableye SF, 1 garchomp C lv.x SV, 2 poketurn PL and 3 cyrus's conspiracy PL but I have no idea what to take out to make the room for all that stuff. Please help.

Changes in bold.. honestly, when i ran sablelock, i ran it 6-0 twice in a row, using this build, w/o blaziken, but ran giratina, and SSU, which helped me with 2 donks with collectors for 2 crobat, double flashbite+poketurn+flashbite+ssu+flashbite+Uxie setup+chomp c+dce (claw swipe) on a lone Uxie. I don't care what people say, 4 cyrus is a bit overkill, as with VS you have more variation of what supporter to replay, mesprit you only need for maybe a t1, possibly t2 psychic bind if you aren't able to spray. after that just spray. everyone runs seeker, so you;ll seeker your mesprit anyway, seeker you don't raelly need. uxie x is for machamp counter and draw. luxury for your honchkrow. nothing like bebe's for uxie x after a sableye ko, level up, luxury for ur q if needed, or a honchkrow and smack something for 100+ for the return ko. with sablelock you only need to lock them early, grab a few sprays, spray their setup, and thats game. too difficult to recover from. this is just my 2 cents, but it ran way more consistent with this T/S line from what Ive play tested.
RE: Sablelock. Masters, any tournament. (HELP PLEASE)

I do not have a uxie lv.x (though I wish I did) or a unown q plus I still need to get a 4th sableye, a 2nd garchomp C lv.x, 3 more cyrus's conspiracy and 2 more poketurns. But honestly I would try the listed build if I had the cards though I want to try my build first. (once I get the cards)
RE: Sablelock. Masters, any tournament. (HELP PLEASE)

the aura is with me8 said:
I do not have a uxie lv.x (though I wish I did) or a unown q plus I still need to get a 4th sableye, a 2nd garchomp C lv.x, 3 more cyrus's conspiracy and 2 more poketurns. But honestly I would try the listed build if I had the cards though I want to try my build first. (once I get the cards)

that's ok , i didn't have uxie x either the first time i played sablelock. everyone was impressed that it won after everyone said i was crazy for playing it. shock and awe value was hilarious. i practiced it for a month b4 playing it (thank goodness my housemate/friend also plays the game, as we play everyday haha). u need unown q, plain and simple. u cant waste what little energy u already dont have. if u cant grab uxie x, maybe run a few seeker or ssu
RE: Sablelock. Masters, any tournament. (HELP PLEASE)

Bump. Also I am thinking

- 1-1 honchkrow SV
- 1-1 blaziken FB lv.x
- 1 giratina PL #9 (sorry I forgot to mention I took a judge out for this)
- 1 seeker
- 2 fire energy and add: 1 sablyeye SF, 1 garchomp C lv.x, 2 poketurn, 1 pokemon collector and 3 cyrus's conspiracy. Taking this stuff out would make room for what I need but thats not exactly how I want to run the deck. Please help!