Salamence ex PK - discuss

Colorless Weakness, of course.

I like it, and agree that it's best used as a finisher.
150 for discard 5 top deck..? Very hard to macroplay.
My suggestion would be;
Bannete Variation [2 Bannete ex 2 Bannete CG, 4 Shuppet CG]
Nidoqueen Circumstance set [3-2-2]
Delcatty ex Circumstance set [2-2]

Any other good ideas..?
I <3 this card
if only it had a cheap attack...
He is only a situational attacker
It isnt that hard to power up.
It is obvious that you can't have a deck based on salamence ex PK... it wouldn't have any chance against the majority of decks. But I think that having a 2-1-2 or 1-0-1 line as a tech, or adding one in decks like sallygross would be a good choice.

What is the problem of discarding 15 or 20 cards from your deck when you already have a nice hand and a good setup?
your opponent will probably loose before you deck out...
150 each turn is just to high...

However and as you said slaking does really take care of salamence ex..., and crystal shard is also a big problem. You need to know when and how to play it…

Salamence ex: Risky to play, but very efficient
Salamence ex looks like a card that will either destroy your opponent, or destroy you. Discarding 5 cards per attack is suicide unless you have a very efficient way of getting those cards back. This thing has "carnage" written all over it, but at what cost?
What about puting it in this deck that Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson thought up

Just add some multi energy so you can do sniping buy discarding two water's when using the second attack and when you need to do massive damage you can with the castform.
Altaria ex d could work but you guys are Over Hyping it. It's just an average ex card, used as a finisher/tech.

dmaster out.
I heard that this card was extremely broken. Now, I believe it. I love this card.
d master342 said:
Altaria ex d could work but you guys are Over Hyping it. It's just an average ex card, used as a finisher/tech.

dmaster out.

I think nobody here is over hyping it... as I said before it is not self-sufficient, and having more than three on a deck is just suicide... it has to be played in the right moment and with lots of caution…
Of course it only works as a tech/ finisher, but for example it is one of the rare cards that can stop flygon ex d.

^Yea, because 1 shotting nearly any card in existance is sooo terrible...or hitting every bench card for 30 in a format when everyone plays mentor...yup, complete crap. ;/ Its not utterly useless, more of a tech then anything.
^ Because this is the first card ever that can one-shot. It is also the first card ever that can hit the bench.
I guess some of you love to spam...

I started this thread to request comments, to discuss this card and its potential, possible combos...

If you don't like it, please don't post stupid things please. At least respect the other members and the card itself...

Sorry but this is what I think
Read the attacks to yourselves for a second...theres is no way to over hype salamence ex...its attcks are too godly! shamme about speed...but like i said, altaria ex d can solve this. I can't see how it can be so shunned.
Whicker said:
^ Because this is the first card ever that can one-shot. It is also the first card ever that can hit the bench.
Its one of the first cards that has bench hitting, OHKO hitting, 2 resistances, and 160 hp...yea, it really is terrible.
Summed up like that, then yeah, this card is fine. However, I believe the analysis has already been provided on why this is just another overhyped card.