Salamence ex PK - discuss

Olly The Totodile said:
The card reminds me of Ttar ex from unseen forces it is a big gamble playing with it you may discard a card that you might really need later on in the game great at first sight but I do not see it winning tournements

why no one uses it at tornament u said? coz everybody thinks the exact same thing like this^

BTW t tar ex UF is better than sally ex in long run. U said t tar ex could've discard some important cards, but think again buddy, sally ex discards 5 cards man! and it doesnt have much atk to choose from :
1st atk - strong and pain in the butt,
2nd atk - cant touch the active and u waste 2 energy cards

t tar ex would have a lot more variety like discarding stadium, energies and even ur opponent's deck!( my favourite part:D)
I kind of like the ilustration and 160 hp, but each attack takes 4 energy. Slow to charge up and have to discard... not the most playable:(
TYranitarFReak said:
BTW t tar ex UF is better than sally ex in long run. U said t tar ex could've discard some important cards, but think again buddy, sally ex discards 5 cards man! and it doesnt have much atk to choose from :
1st atk - strong and pain in the butt,
2nd atk - cant touch the active and u waste 2 energy cards

t tar ex would have a lot more variety like discarding stadium, energies and even ur opponent's deck!( my favourite part:D)

completely agrees. And don't undermine T-tar ex UF's fourth attack - you can boost its damage to at least 140 damage with 2 Dark energies, which is like 47 points of damage per card discarded when compared to only 30 points for Salamence ex PK!!!

no doubt T-tar ex UF is better; it isn't weak to Crystal Shard, and you got a wide variety of attacks to choose from (considering that energy discard can easily get Holon pokes away). I am definitely voting for Tyranitar ex UF!
While that is true...

Salamence does 150 for 4 energy. That is 37.5 damage for each energy.

Furthermore, NOTHING in this game will survive to a Salamence blow. Everything with 160 HP is weak to it.

Everything RESISTING it...well...has 60 HP.

T-Tar Ex will get a max of 150 out of 4 energy since 1 must be Fighting. Hey. Same amount of damage, but its more conditional as Salamence. Specially since you can play a max of 4 Dark Energy.
Señor Gardevoir said:
While that is true...

Salamence does 150 for 4 energy. That is 37.5 damage for each energy.

Furthermore, NOTHING in this game will survive to a Salamence blow. Everything with 160 HP is weak to it.

Everything RESISTING it...well...has 60 HP.

T-Tar Ex will get a max of 150 out of 4 energy since 1 must be Fighting. Hey. Same amount of damage, but its more conditional as Salamence. Specially since you can play a max of 4 Dark Energy.
Wait, t-tar is weak to colorless? Same with armaldo? And blissey? Jeeze, I guess mine are just colorlered on....anyways, T-tar is far superior. Resists psychic, discards castys/metals/dres (all popular cards), removes staduim locks, and discards cards from the opponets deck (which is huge). Sure, you lose 3 cards with its last attack, but you get a prizes, minus facing an ex, but you beat any ex with t-tar, 1-1, minus a fighting/grass one.
Broken bad or broken good? IMHO it's mostly broken bad for the person playing it ... you have to be very careful to make it anything approaching broken good as in making the card able to win you games.
Papi/Manny said:
Wait, t-tar is weak to colorless? Same with armaldo? And blissey? Jeeze, I guess mine are just colorlered on....anyways, T-tar is far superior. Resists psychic, discards castys/metals/dres (all popular cards), removes staduim locks, and discards cards from the opponets deck (which is huge). Sure, you lose 3 cards with its last attack, but you get a prizes, minus facing an ex, but you beat any ex with t-tar, 1-1, minus a fighting/grass one.

My bad, forgot T-Tar had 160, and Blissey...hey...who uses that anyway? Armaldo I realized closely after posting.

At any rate, do not forget that Sally has 2 resistances as well. Not as much played as Psychic, but more as enough anyway. And if T-Tar does all that, why does nobody use it? Its because of its two-kinds-of-energy cost. If it did not have that, I'd play it. But for now, I prefer Salamence just for its pure power. And NOTHING commonly played is NOT OHKO'ed by it. That simple. Whereas T-Tar needs 3 Dark Energy to do so. Or Strength Charm and 2 Dark Energies.
Blissey actually goes pretty fast on eBay. I know that the collectors get mixed in with the players there but still ... given the volume SOMEONE has to be using that card.
Señor Gardevoir said:
Papi/Manny said:
Wait, t-tar is weak to colorless? Same with armaldo? And blissey? Jeeze, I guess mine are just colorlered on....anyways, T-tar is far superior. Resists psychic, discards castys/metals/dres (all popular cards), removes staduim locks, and discards cards from the opponets deck (which is huge). Sure, you lose 3 cards with its last attack, but you get a prizes, minus facing an ex, but you beat any ex with t-tar, 1-1, minus a fighting/grass one.

My bad, forgot T-Tar had 160, and Blissey...hey...who uses that anyway? Armaldo I realized closely after posting.

At any rate, do not forget that Sally has 2 resistances as well. Not as much played as Psychic, but more as enough anyway. And if T-Tar does all that, why does nobody use it? Its because of its two-kinds-of-energy cost. If it did not have that, I'd play it. But for now, I prefer Salamence just for its pure power. And NOTHING commonly played is NOT OHKO'ed by it. That simple. Whereas T-Tar needs 3 Dark Energy to do so. Or Strength Charm and 2 Dark Energies.
Ummm, t-tar won 9 cities in the US (3 by me). Its an increasingly popular deck...of course, now you need to counter that and the other 9-10 major decks as well.