sarah palin

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MichaelRocks2 said:
Lmao.. a lot of you people have no clue what your talking about. your not voting for palin your voting for McCain. you think palin don't have experience to run? she isnt running for Fu** sake. Shes a VP not presdent. and Obama is so smart he is the one who thinks theres 57 states -_-.

If you vote for John Mc. Cain you are voting for Palin also. A lot of people don't realize that though. Sarah Palin is part of the package. She is not worth it. Neither is Mc. Cain.:) EDIT. If Hillary Clinton had not dropped out everyone would be voting for her instead. Now that is left is Obama so that is who we vote for. Sarah Palin blew it in the debate the other and she does not have the brains. All they are for IS THE OIL. THAT IS ALL THEY WANT. Uf you want higher gas prices and the econnemy to completely sink down to nothing. Vote for them. If you don't want more of the same Vote for Obama. I can tell you right now that Obama and Biden will win because NO ONE wants more of the same. Some repu;icans also think Sarah Palin has no experience. For a change they are right.:)
Gas prices are going to keep going up if Obama gets in office. He don't want to drill when we have a lot of gas left in this earth. so if Obama dont drill it will keep going up why cant people see that? and Obama for abortion killing babys is wrong. why not have them and give them up for adoption. So i say VOTE MCCAIN UNLESS YOUR INSTANE and DRILL BABY DRILL.
Wasn't it Palin who claimed Obama worked together with a terrorist when, if she did at lest a bit more research, she would've known that Obama met him after he was part of this terrorist organisation?

If you really wants someone who wants to win with stuff like that...

Same for McCain's TV and radio campaign, it's like it's based completely on bashing Obama.
Obama is commenting on McCain's opinions about ACTUAL subjects, not about trivial stuff from the past. Obama said he didn't care about the fact that Palin's daughter got pregnant, his campaign has mostly been about his own idea of what should happen to America.

McCain's campaign is just spreading prejudice about Obama's campaign, like raising taxes (when he said he would reduce taxes for the working class), or lack of an efficient energy policy (when Obama wants to use unlimited resources to produce energy, instead of fossil fuels and nuclear energy)
MichaelRocks2 said:
Gas prices are going to keep going up if OGaybama gets in office. He don't want to drill when we have a lot of gas left in this earth. so if Obama don't drill it will keep going up why cant people see that? and Obama for abortion killing babys is wrong. why not have them and give them up for adoption. So I say VOTE MCCAIN UNLESS YOUR INSTANE and DRILL BABY DRILL.

Oh my, so many things that are ignorant about this. I'll begin with that petty insult. OGaybama, huh? Obama has a wife. A petty insult born of homophobia...revolting. Drill, eh? Ok, Earth is now completely out of oil and we've ruined the environment, and in case you haven’t realized this, with the environment ends us. Unless you're proposing we travel to a different planet? Is that it? Oh ok, sounds practical.

MichaelRocks2 said:
And Obama isnt basing Mccain any chance he gets?

Um, no, not in the way McCain attacks Obama. McCain's ads are based off of half-truths and lies. For instance, one recent ad revealed that Obama has voted for raising taxes 90-some times. Want to know how many times McCain has voted for raising taxes? Over 200. This is but one instance, of course.

I digress. Very poor decision on McCain's part. It's also interesting, to say the least, how conservatives accuse Obama of lack of experience when Palin has a very small amount of experience as well. And on top of that, she lead in Alaska, of all places, where hardly any of the population resides, regardless of its size. She, in considering McCain's...advanced...age, may also be president one day. I can't describe how much I don't want that.
If I'd vote, I'd still vote for Obama. Because I think his strategy for the energy crisis will work. We need better forms of energy to use. I think if what he says is true. We can solve our crisis by digging in the areas with oil fields
Sweet Dawn said:
If I'd vote, I'd still vote for Obama. Because I think his strategy for the energy crisis will work. We need better forms of energy to use. I think if what he says is true. We can solve our crisis by digging in the areas with oil fields

So you're also for abortion?
Fletcher said:
Sweet Dawn said:
If I'd vote, I'd still vote for Obama. Because I think his strategy for the energy crisis will work. We need better forms of energy to use. I think if what he says is true. We can solve our crisis by digging in the areas with oil fields

So you're also for abortion?

Nobody is 'for abortion'. It's called pro-choice, being for the choice to have an abortion.
Palin is UNBELIEVABLE. >=[

She is the absolute worst person I have ever seen running for ANY presidential position. Ever. She can't even answer simple questions. "So Palin, can you name a Supreme Court decision that you disagree with?" "Uh durr... [Dramatization =P] No. I guess I agree with them all." She always claims that "she's not in touch with everything that goes on in Washington over here in Alaska", That's ALWAYS her excuse for not knowing things. Well, get with the program! Being in Alaska is not an excuse for ignorance.

I think what we have consider here is, 'What if McCain dies?' Then, we will have PALIN >_> running our country. I feel comfortable saying that USA is doomed if that happens.
MichaelRocks2 said:
If they do why still have a abortion? EVER* heard of adoption?

Yes, I have, I'm not stupid. Maybe they don't want to go through the h*ll of carrying the baby if they never wanted it in the first place. It's possible that we could start a topic on this particular issue, but that wouldn't really go anywhere.
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