Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, Eggs, Pokeballs, Trophies, Glowing, Siamese

How am I going

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RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Here Pokeric

It was difficult sorry I couldnt get the wings like you wanted if you want anything updated I will try (no promises)



RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

ty but what do u do with the code? ( sorry for bein such a noob)
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

The code is for like sigantures and things. If you want it for your avatar put that in the url place just down have

RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

yea but how do u get it on mi signiture and do u know why my trainer card has gone? ty for all ur help sastoon ur the best of the best
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

copy the code I gave you and no I dont why your tc has gone


Copy that code and put that where in your sig. That will put that gyrados into your sig.
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Can yuo do my request ?
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Here may and Manaphy here's the first one other two be up in bout ten.



Edit: Here's the second one.


Final Edit: Here's the last one sorry they all have the same pikachu it was just the best Pikachu I could find for the job.



RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Wait, could I have two more avatars ?

Surfing Pikachu and Flying Pikachu

Surfing Pikachu, just a Pikachu on a surfboard
and the Flying Pikachu just a Pikachu tied to several ballons

I'm sorry about this, this idea just came to me
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Here May and Manaphy

the flying one didnt turn out to well but oh well.

Here's Surfing


Here's Flying



RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Hello people please request.
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

i like sastons work...

can someone please help me with putting a banner on my signature
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

could i hve an avatar with all the fully grown fire starters breathing fire apart from infernape and blaziken that will hve fire on here hands ty sastoon.
And what do u mean copy the code?
sorry for being such a pain sastoon :(
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

That will not all fit on one avatar. It needs to be a banner
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Or should be a banner, maybe ask him to do a set of avatars, with each one of the fire starters
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

wna umbreon banner with black wings and saying "watch out!
Umbreon is on the lookout!"
a moon backround
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

Dark Charizard you got the url to the banner in your sig put this at the beginning
then it will show your banner
Here u go agustinJ sorry I couldn't get the wings


RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

can i work here
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, and basic Banners. Looking For Help

We know have a new worker here. DRC181193 he's a noob to these forums so don't expect extra highly of him. He's great at spriting and will get better. If he does something wrong in your request just tell him politely. If you say are impolite or just plain rude we will refuse to do your request.

RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, Eggs, Pokeballs, Trophies, Glowing, Siamese and Banners. Looking For Help

so at the start u hve to put
Also can i hve an avatar with carizard fusion plz?
thanks sastoon i love ur shop!!!
best shop eva
finally i hve got it on satoon!!!! :D
RE: Sastoon's Shop (Fusions, Recolours, TCs, Eggs, Pokeballs, Trophies, Glowing, Siamese and Banners. Looking For Help

What do you want the charizard to be fused with??
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