Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Er

Chairman Kaga said:
Anyone else think Leftovers is meh?

Yeah leftovers probably isn't really playable, but I sorta saw a possible matchup with jumpluff and subnflora.

Jumpluff L.42 – Grass – HP90

Poke-Body: Cotton Spore
When this Pokemon takes damage from an opponent’s attack, the owner of this Pokemon flips a coin. If heads, this Pokemon takes no damage.

[G][G] Cotton Punch: Flip 2 coins, this attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon x the number of heads.

Sunflora L.35 – Grass – HP80

Poke-Power: Grasswhistle
You can use this Power once during your turn. Remove 1 damage counter from each of your Grass Pokemon. This Power can’t be used if this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, or if another Pokemon’s Grasswhistle was already used this turn.

Jumpluff is already hard to KO but it has low hp, but when it regains 20 hp in between turns, that could be a whole lote different..except for that most decks nowadays have like a 3th turn 100 damage:p lol ,that screws up the combo big time =D

Wailord looks nice, too bad they used it on a quite useless card..

Wonder is Milotic will see a lot of play whit it's marvle scale
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Er

The new Blaziken is nice, but it's still not as effective of an attacker as Magmortar. The problem is that, firestarter only attaches to the bench, and once Blaziken discards two fire, how will you get the energies back to him (I know, Fire Dance, leaving Blaziken vulnerable)? In the old days (with Blaziken ex), TA Manectric helped to moved the energies (or some play High Pressure stadium)... anyways, also the damage tops out at 80, sure you can snipe but 80 is not going to KO anything these days. You want to play fire, stick to Magmortar. Another question is whether it's better to use Typhlosion or Blaziken as the fire starter for Magmortar? Typhlosion is nice since its second attack discards energies, but with Blaziken, you can now tech in a Blaziken GE, which is a better attacker than Typhlosion...

anyways, Wailord will see play, someone will come up with a new deck using it as a shield. It can be pretty annoying to play against.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

It's pretty funny how the current metagame already gives us a perfect Wailord counter (it starts with a G and anyone using it should be quartered, no offense :p), so there's nothing to really be afraid of. The art's petty impressive, but for some reason I prefer Beedrill. I've always been a big fan of Kouki, and beedrill just looks so simple, yet so complex. Almost makes me wanna play it... ALMOST.

And safeguard's back, although I'm pretty sure it will see little to no play, for the obvious reason that there's no pure lvX-based deck out there ATM, and almost every lvX comes with a pretty good non-lvX-version anyways.

Blaziken looks nice, but I doubt it'll be that easy to play, and it takes 2 turns on average to kill today's powerhouses, and those are set-up so fast. We'll see how much it'll get played.

What's Darkrai got against Cress, I mean, his lvX is way better, he should just shut up and leave her alone...

Wailord seem like the only thing which can really use Leftovers at this point, although it might be useful in other deck, we'll see. It heals like nothing each turn, so yeah.

Everyone makes mistakes, you know... But you'd expect at least someone to have seen that before. I didn't see it, but the site was loading so very slow I just gave up on it after a while.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

i cant wait for the new tcg set to be released in the uk.

big card collecter the new set will add yet another bunch of great cards

i wonder when they'l eventually run out of sets to make (hope it never happens)

RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Baziken is great. Flame Kick, Firestarter a benched Blaziken, retreat, then Flame Kick again. However, it may take a while to get set up, which is annoying.
Cresselia is good, but I've probably gone on about it in another thread, so I won't repeat myself.
Why would you use the no.3 Darkrai instead of the no.4 one? To counter Cress? I don't think you'd need to really. Reach Over could be useful before you get Darkrai Lv.X in play, but otherwise...
I'm glad Beedrill is in the set. It is basically the next Quicketune, only it would take a lot more setting up to run properly.
Lv.X Safeguard was always going to be great. Just a shame that Twister isn't actually a good attack. Still, Milotic could see some play as a tech.
Wailord, while having the best artwork so far, could work as a cool stall card. With Leftovers, you could have the start of a good stall deck. x2 Lightning weakness hurts, though.
Floatzel is really that good. Aqua Jet is nice, but Empoleon's one was better. Agility is always fun though.
I've probably mentioned Porygon2 before, but it is just a broken card, being able to use multiple supporters per turn. If only Banette Ex was still in the format, since we would then have a brilliant new combo with it.
Leftovers in stall decks will create the perfect annoying combo.

Oh, and great mistake!
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

I'm SOOOOOOOO glad that all of these cards are actually good! Magmortar will leave us and Gallade will not be AS popular.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Well, there isn't that much to discuss since we already discussed everything when the spoilers were released. But I am very curious to know where you get the scans. Friends working within PUSA?

@ Heavenly Spoon :F: If you are referring to Gallade as a Wailord counter I think you are slightly mistaken. It may reduce Wailord's HP to 50, but it will still have to flip two prizes to ko him.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Wahoo, nice artworks ! Can't wait for another cards ^^
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Yay, Treecko! ^.^
Treecko means Sceptile
Sceptile means New Grass Deck
New Grass Deck means Card Finding Trouble
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Well I just have a couple of points to make...
1) If Blazekins Retreat was O then it would be a broken card but at the moment not really worth it.
2) Darkrai #3 is useless as a card but is some of the coolest artwork I've seen in a while
3) Beedril is AMAZING I personally say that it is better than Kricketune based on :higher HP, free retreat, with candy this deck has just barely slower setup than T2K and it is much more versitile and could have archtype potential.
4) Milotic is overhyped and I hope that it sees little to no play
5) Floatzel is trash and is 100% useless
6) It's nice to know that Porygon has at least some possible starting options and I say that I would use it.
7) I can't believe that no one noticed that Unown L is by far the greatest common card ever made. Use it with unown z,c,p and you have ourself a pitiful deck.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

I agree about the Wailord artwork, it reminds me a lot of the delta Metagross artwork. Blaziken is looking really good as well, especially since it can be Scramble'd/DRE'd. Though I do have to make the point -- what would the card be without the Power Keepers reprint of the Firestarter Blaziken?
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

First thing's first.

WPM, thanks, yet again you shock us with marvellous stuff.


1. Wailord tops the artwork chart. END OF STORY. FULLSTOP. NADA. Bleh.

2. Darkrai should leave little cresselia alone. I plan to use her =]. So, all those darkrai players out there. Use the other one, please? :p.

3. Beedrill's just awsome. But, it might just be hard to play a Stage 2 T2 Deck. But, We'll see.

4. Blaziken, yet another Blissey combo. ARGH WHEN WILL BLISSEY COMBOS STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Anyways, i like it :p.

5. Milotic isnt a great card. But the art work makes me funky lol.

6. Yet another floatzel. The lamer version of Empoleon. Ya'll are DEFINITELY gonna see this at states.

7. Leftovers, useless. FULLSTOP..
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

You said something about Wednesday being something big... is that when we get the Lv.x scans :D?

Nice scans. Especially Wailord.

OMG OMG OMG YESSSSSS, Beedrill's in the set! YES... that allow's Battle Roads to be fun for me =]
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

well he said to wait till wedesday to find out - you are most likey 99.99999999% right.00000001% wrong
but i can't wait!
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Er

Sylar said:
You said something about Wednesday being something big... is that when we get the Lv.x scans :D?

Nice scans. Especially Wailord.

OMG OMG OMG YESSSSSS, Beedrill's in the set! YES... that allow's Battle Roads to be fun for me =]

I'm personally guessing that he'll post a scan of a secret card... and it'll be Garchomp Lv.X. : )
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Few comments about the scans.

Any one who says wailord isn't playable is wrong, Its going to see A LOT OF PLAY. Just watch.. The deck is
4-4 wailord
1-1 xatu.

Potions leftovers dawn stadium buffer peaces.. super scoop ups.. Nothing can one hit it, its a wall that sits there for the whole game, your oppenent will not take any prizes.

And how could almost everyone Over look UNKNOWN L I mean come on, that is an amazing card, It can screw your oppenent for 1-2 turns, or get you a set up, It makes an unkown deck almost playable..

As for beedril, It is pretty good, But I still prefer Kriketune.

People who say that Blissy, and GG decks aren't going to be played much are complelty wrong. Those are going to be the 2 meta game decks for MOST of the whole season, each set is just making the 2 decks even better.

After people realize that blazikin isnt that great of a card, and gets owned quicker by gallade then it can get set up, people won't use it.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Er

Wailord would be very hard to KO. But if your metagame is Electivire you'd have to watch out for that x2 weakness to Lightning.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Azure said:
@ Heavenly Spoon :F: If you are referring to Gallade as a Wailord counter I think you are slightly mistaken. It may reduce Wailord's HP to 50, but it will still have to flip two prizes to ko him.
If it stays asleep...
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

WPM plz can you scan loads more of the great encounters cards man.As soon as your eye infection wears off a little, please, please can we see more cards?
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Oh my gosh.

Beedrill is broken. Like Ka' Mewie said, if only this card wasn't a Stage 2, this would be the most powerful T2 Deck on the planet. At least we get Rare Candy in the set.

The common cards aren't much.

More Blissey combos. It appears as if Blissey isn't going to die out until it becomes unlegal.

Wailord's Art is awesome, like everyone else said.

Milotic is good. We finally get a Poke-Body like the old Safeguard, except its protected by Lv. X. I except to see it as a tech in some decks this year.

Blaziken is fairly good, and I like its art.

I think set will be pretty good.