Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Wow, more scans.... :D

Togekiss: Will be used by many players because of its Serene Grace Poke-Power...

Altaria: Kinda useless & with its low HP, it can be OHKOed by Blissey...

Latios: A reprint of the Latios ex from EX Dragon, haihz...

Hariyama: Looks interesting but not very playable...

Magcargo: Looks interesting(again!) & I think it can work with some pokemon that has attacks like Infernape DP but not very effective...

The others are normal & luckily Purugly isn't a Rare Card or else it will be disaster when buying a GE pack...
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

Water Pokémon Master said:
See, we can have good discussion here if people would just come over here more often and post (at the website where the news stories originally come from). :D Also, we are not in bed with POP, so we can do what we want!

If I could change the background into a less eyehurting color, remove all pictures and signs it would already be easier to read overhere.
For me the way this board is designed is to restless.

Anyway I like to see the scans, I am still hoping there will be some cards in it to make some decks less strong (and see some cards not be played anymore).
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

out of the new scans posted, the only deck worthy card is Togekiss. I personally don't like it too much but I know it's been generating a lot of buzz since it was revealed couple of weeks ago. I don't like the luck-based and one-time energy acceleration, though I can see it work in certain decks though. I also think its attack is average.

still waiting for (fingers crossed) Claydol...
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Togekiss is very good and is undoubtedly the best card in the scans today.
Altaria is just bad. Dragonbreath is good if you are feeling lucky. If your not, just throw the card away. However, Cotton Cloud could have it's uses.
Latios is good, and could be used in decks that allow for G and L energies, or just ones with Holon's Castform. Also could be used with Lati-Lock to stop the play of the (fairly risky) Latios Ex (DF), especially in areas with Magmortar Lv.X (MT) in decks.
Hariyama is interesting, but not actually that good. An average 40 for FC isn't too bad, but doing 80 only where you are down on HP is bad. There are ways of making it happen quickly though.
Magcargo could be used, with auto-Burn being quite good, and 60 for RRC is hardly bad. However, it's still not going to see play.
Purgly is just bad. Swagger for a possible discard, or Fury Swipes for an average 60 for CCC. Not bad for Fury Swipes, but still not playable.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

I want to add meaningful discussion, Togekiss, Felicity, and maybe Latios are good. The rest of these cards are

In lieu of rational discourse, I will make bad Pokemon puns out of old Internet memes. I begin with:

Take off every Zigzagoon, for great justice
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Hmm, not discussing the rest. But here i go,

Macargo, this seems like a good tech in a few fire decks. Can be played.

Hariyama, this is a real good tech if you are losing. Definitely can be played.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

How do you get the scans before they are officially shown ?
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Let's just say, Water Pokemon Master has sources.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

I like the cards Altaria,Latios, and Sablu have nice art now we need the Lv.X's and Latias.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Altria will be such a beastly card for the pre-release. Assuming you get heads. Not alot of good cards, but hey, they aren't terribad.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Ka'Mewie:- said:
Let's just say, Water Pokemon Master has sources.

I want his sources !!
p.s. are you one of his ''secret sources?''
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Hariyama is good not to playable but for the prerealest
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Not too many good scans today, but I can't wait to maybe get my hands on that Togekiss. It's artwork is amazing and I love her Poke-Power. All the rest aren't really bad, but they're definately not good enough to be playable and be good or be an archetype. I love that you're slowly leaking them out a couple at a time, WPM. :D I can't wait to see what Tomorrow has in store, scan-wise.

I saw all three videos and it looks like the Pokemon Trainer, I will definately be playing. I love how all of his Pokemon can be used in a variety of ways, and I simply love the Final Smash.

dmaster out.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

I can't wait for brawl!!! These vids really show off pokemon trainer's power nicely.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

So far this set is only worth around ten good solid cards and around three or four decent playable decks... how sad
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Only two scans that are good that were here today were Togekiss and Felicity's Drawing. Everything else wasn't good or bad, coughPuruglycough. At least Purugly isn't rare or else this set would start to look like trash.
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

Well Togekiss looks good, hariyama and altaria look half way decent, hopefully the prerealease will be fun!
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

I've never played any of the SSB games but that looks like a freakin' awsome game! As for the cards ,Togekiss looks like one I want to pull at the pre-release!
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

anhuy12 said:
Can't wait until prerelases
WE want some more scans
Just be patient, he has an eye infection! Wow, Latios is so similar to Latios ex, and it's not even holo? That's just sad.
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

If Beedril was a Stage1 pokemon, I'd sell everything and made a Beedril deck
but, it isn't