Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon Trainer in SSBB

yay! weezings body stacks! 5 counters a turn due to posion muahahahaha.
swamperts cool too.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon

More scans, yay... :D

Swampert: Maybe useful & the artwork looks nice too..

Kingler: The 2nd attack is kinda dumb... :p

Weezing: Finally, a good Weezing. It will be destructive if it is in a Poison deck...

Relicanth: Strange. No Kabutops and/or Omastar but it appeared & this card was an Uncommon is MH/ND.. :)

Premier Ball: Useful in a deck that uses LV X(DUH!!)... :p
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon Trainer in SSBB

Weezing is by far broken. Imagine, in unlimited, T2 Crobat HL, and Triple Poison (three damage counters inbetween turns). With four Weezing's Benched, that's 70 damage inbetween turns for poison. Fun.
Blaziken+Jynx DF=Free Retreat Blaziken.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon Trainer in SSBB

Wailord is sick, and holon WP makes him laugh hysterically at G&G.
Its nice to know they didn't kill Weezing by making it so its body is one only, so two Weezings with a poisoned pokemon=pain.
Pity Kingler doesn't have a better first attack, I could see a T2 deck with him working quite well....
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon Trainer in SSBB

Weezing could also be good in a Flygon d deck.
Also Mudkip hase some good art.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon Trainer in SSBB

sweet we have now 43 of the scans woot! PRImere ball is like sweet! with celios's and that you can get you lvl.x out sooner .
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Pokemon Trainer in SSBB

I like the set, it has good poekmons and good trainers, but the neme of the set is Great Encounters and i think Pokemon USA could make the set a great encounter with more lvxs like japanese sets , that will improve the set and will make players buy more because if each display brings more than 1 lvx people can start buying more becausse now for players get a lvx on boosters it is very hard (at least for me ). So why Pokemon USA cant make two editions of a set like night dashing & moon hunting , like that we have more lvxs and more cards and we wont be one collection behing japan.
Other thing is why Pokemon USA have to reprint cards like palkia and dialga (it is WORST) why not making new cards different from japanese ones, of course edit the japanese cards for people that buy japanese boosters could play on tournament but Pokémon USA could so make new cards that are english exclusive or not!!!
The set is good because have 2 good lvxs (cresselia and darkrai) and have very good trainers like (amulet coin,leftovers,premium ball,rare candy), and good pokemons too (togekiss,darkrai,blaziken,sceptile)
RE: Saturday, 1/26, 15 Great Encounters Scans, Great Encounters Scans, Error

DawnOfXatu said:
2) Darkrai #3 is useless as a card but is some of the coolest artwork I've seen in a while

Did you really read the card's first attack?
Getting ANY energycard out of your deck is super.
Access to Boost/Scramble/Holon nrg for ZERO costs, I would never call that useless.
I've never been one to be psyched to play the TCG, but I have always collected them for the artwork. I must say, Wailord's is great. I love how the water is flowing into its massive mouth. Unfortunately, the card does stink. The Poke-Body doesn't really help it much at all.

Kouki Saito's artwork for Beedrill and Floatzel are very impressive, but by far, my favorite artwork out of the whole set has to be Cresselia's by Ryo Ueda. That's just my opinion, though.

Is anyone else psyched that Lucario is a playable character? I wonder if his Aura-guiding abilities will be usable in the actual game...
Wow,thanks so much for the scans.
Jigglypuff has got to be my favorite (artwork wise) in this set!
wailord's art really did'nt do it for me,because you really did'nt get to see all of him but it is an amazing card,it's a freaking wall!
Relicanth will become a god once the other fossils are released. Swampert is not half bad, but I don't know if it will see play.

Weezing is great, especially since its Poke-Body is stackable. Now, your opponents could be taking 40 damage or so each turn from Poison!

Premier Ball is good, although I'd have rather seen the Rare Candy scan.

Unown G doesn't look too bad.

I wonder what it will be...maybe a secret rare? Or...if we finally get Garchomp Lv. X in the set as a secret rare!!

*starts to act crazy over Chomp X*
Cards I like from the recent update
Swampert - pretty good
Kingler - not great, not bad either
Cards I like from the recent update
Swampert - pretty good
Kingler - not great, not bad either
Premier ball

Cool artwork cards
More scans, Yippee!

I love that you're taking your time, WPM. It gets us more hyped and it saves your computer, Thank God. I, personally love Swampert, which I must say is probably the best card out of the 14. Premier Ball could be used very effectively in a Lv.X deck, and I absolutely love Weezing. It's a tad bit fragile and has a huge Retreat Cost, but I love the synergy between his Body and Attack. Kingler..meh. I love Jiggly's art, though.

Lucario in action looks superb. Up until now, we didn't know what attacks he could do, but now, his Aura Sphere attack looks super-cool. I just can't wait to play as him.

dmaster out.
Can I request a scan? If so, can you show Claydol and Pachirisu next? Its killing me, I need to know if its in there or not. Please at least tell me if they're in GE.
I already confirmed Pachirisu is in the set. Claydol's presence is still up in the air.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario

I'm loving Premier Ball, its definitely is gonna get some play in my deck.

Cresselia will be a nice addition to my Psychic deck. Yay heal power!