Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

don't ask me why, but the starters are always my favorite. i'm a collector, so i like rare cards. i can't wait to get this set. the swampert and blaziken are so cool.

I just got back from dinner and am going to start editing the scans. Since I have to edit double the amount, it's going to take a few hours.
Right, I haven't commented on the latest cards yet, so I will now.
Swampert does seem like a useful card. Hammer Arm could be useful with other cards that discard your opponents deck (now, where's my Rhyperior, even if it is a stage 2). Oh, and the Poké-Power is great too.
Kingler is rather strange. If it didn't have that effect, it would be great as a T2 deck. Actually, there still could be a good T2 deck with him, just not as good as it should have been.
Weezing is just mad. 1 Crobat (MT) Poké-Power and a couple of Weezing would cause havoc. Imagine the havoc that would happen if both players were using Weezing...
Surely relicanth should have been in a set with fossils, it just makes sense!
Premier Ball is nice, getting Lv.X's when needed.
I think Jigglypuff has the best art in the set with no bias from me what so ever :) Actually, it's a good Jigglypuff. How all we need is a good Wigglytuff *goes to the spoilers to see what the new one does*.

Yeah, those comments were a bit late, but what are you going to do?
I think the "surprise" that WPM talked about may be Claydol, since he had said previously that Phione (another highly desired card in the Japaneses DP4) is out
If your opponent gets two heads, your turn ends. If they get two tails, your turn ends. So it's 50/50.
I think the "suprise" card is Claydol =P

The Dialga GE artwork is way better than the DP one.
2 Foil Darkrai...bleeeh.

Thanks for the scans, and my gut tells me that the surprise mentionned will be Claydol. It is one of the highest anticipated cards in GE.

I also called Lucario in SSBB MONTHS ago, and predicted he'd be akin to Mewtwo in moves. Not surprising.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario

Wow, cool scans... :D
Anyway, Pachirisu & Lapras will be a great starter to some decks & Exploud's Ambient Noise attack looks broken, a little bit... :)
First off, as a webmaster, I'm disappointed to know that there are some people here as rude an arrogant as WPM stated in today's post. I've had to deal with impatient and rude people before and it really puts you off.

Anyway, onto today's post...Dialga (regular) and Latias win the art contest for this batch, and I think they're better than Wailord (personally). As for Sceptile's error, is it the "You can't use more than 1 Wild Growth Poké-Body each turn" bit?
Uhm... I don't get all the people saying that it is a bad set. Just take a look. Most of the cards are absolutely amazing and are hopefully going to finish Absolade's reign of terror (Claydol). As for those complaining about slow scans I just want to thank WPM for posting the scans before the prereleases and for actually showing them off to the public even though he has an eye infection. He could easily and slowly edit them all and simply post them on the day of prereleases.
Thanks WPM!
Uhm... I don't get all the people saying that it is a bad set. Just take a look. Most of the cards are absolutely amazing and are hopefully going to finish Absolade's reign of terror (Claydol). As for those complaining about slow scans I just want to thank WPM for posting the scans before the prereleases and for actually showing them off to the public even though he has an eye infection. He could easily and slowly edit them all and simply post them on the day of prereleases.
Thanks WPM!
Pachirisu is still brilliant. I've got to get my hands on 4 of them ASAP.
Sceptile's brilliant Poké-Body, where you can't use more than 1 per turn. I'm sorry but that is just a brilliant error. How did they manage to do that? Oh, it's still a good card, but may need to wait of Lati-Lock to leave the format.
Exploud is still crazy. No matter what happens, you get 2 great effects from the attack. Oh, and a solid 70 for 4 isn't too bad either.
I'm not sure if I like Houndoom. I mean, it has a nice first attack, which gives more discarding to a format already saturated with it, and the second gives a couple of good effects. It has a load of good points, but I'm still not certain as to how good it is.
Lapras is great. A Castaway for W is always nice. However, it is only ever going to be played in decks with access to a lot of Water energy.
Latias is just Latias Ex from DR, only without the Ex part, isn't it? If so, then that's quite good.
Amulet Coin isn't bad. I'm not sure as to how useful it will be though.
I like the idea around Dialga Lv.X. However, I do wonder how useful it actually is since it's only a 25% chance of being helpful, and 25% of being bad. Maybe someone will be able to use it for good.
I think the "suprise" is Claydol lol XD.
The Dialga GE artwork is WAY better then the DP one
RE: Sunday, 1/27, More Great Encounters Scans, Pokemon Trainer SSBB Videos

speedhost101 said:
Ka'Mewie:- said:
Let's just say, Water Pokemon Master has sources.

I want his sources !!
p.s. are you one of his ''secret sources?''

What the? No.. Of course not.. OMG.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario

I think i know the surprise guys : )

I wont tell anyone because i don't want to spoil it for people

I personly don't mind waiting for the updates I don't care when the scans are posted as long as they're posted before 7:30AM(PST) on 2-2-08(They could be posted 7:29:59 and I wouldn't care) so I know what to get at the Prerelease that I have to help set up and am playing in.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario

WHO DELETED MY POST?! Was it one of WPM's mods because WPM would be sleeping now?

I said I was going through the G.E. scan directory and found this:

It looks like WPM accidently uploaded a thumbnail of the "surprise" he is going to post today!!