Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario and Pokemon Traine

I love the fact that Lucario is playable! Well, for my oppinion, I like the Darkrai#4, the artwork is nice and the Sleep Hole attack owns! The #3 is good with Reach Ower, but the Darkness Pursuit can only be used in a anti-Cresselia-deck (good for OHKO Cresselia LvX, though...) The best artwork so far must be Wailord, Sceptile and Swampert, and the two last named is kicking in the game. (Especially Sceptiles Wild Growth "Poké-BODY") It will own in a Swarm-deck.
RE: Saturday - Friday, 1/26 - 2/1, Great Encounters Scans, Error, Lucario

Let me just say right off the bat that I Appreciate you and I understand school and stuff and if it wasn't for you posting these images id have to go elsewhere...(which is why I come here for news because your always on the ball with pokenews!)

And don't give up posting scans, even if there are some crappy people who are GREEDY and IMPATIENT there are still people like me who care and understand what goes on and is interested in the new cards Because I Myself am in school and I dont always have time to do anything else which is always a bummer.


Oh and BTW I'm really glad pachisarus in the set hurray!
Let me just say right off the bat that I Appreciate you and I understand school and stuff and if it wasn't for you posting these images id have to go elsewhere...(which is why I come here for news because your always on the ball with pokenews!)

And don't give up posting scans, even if there are some crappy people who are GREEDY and IMPATIENT there are still people like me who care and understand what goes on and is interested in the new cards Because I Myself am in school and I dont always have time to do anything else which is always a bummer.

That video was incredible. Lucario must be replacing Mewtwo because Mewtwo has not been mentioned at all yet I love the scans. They will probably be the best ones so far and this set is turning out to be a very good set.:)
sceptile looks good

by the way not 'suckin' up to you bt i think your doing a fantastic job with the site and my pokemon exsperience would not be the same without it and im sure theres plenty of others that feel the same.

!!!good job!!!
Yeah, I have seen some people getting impatient for the scans. But, I like it this way, I get to look forward to seeing some scans after school. (I'm in bed by the time you post them.) And, considring you just had an eye infection, I'm a bit surpised that you still continued.
At least you are not going to wait 1,000 years to post this stuff, unlike PUSA.

So, I would like to say, thanks, WPM.


YES! Weezing is stackable! Expect to seem some Poison decks at States this year!

I like Dialga Lv. X. Not because of its attack, I just like it for some reason.

Mostly good cards this time, and now Sceptile is 100% going to be in this set.

Thanks again, WPM.
i found an error in pachy: the bpbf# isnt there; oh yeah, the bpbf# is in the bottom left corner of the card, on pachy, it isnt :]
Damn another laptop going broke WPM what do you do whit those things lapotboard on it or something :p J/K. I really am sorry to hear that it wont reboot! Did you ever consider to backup your important stuff on a external hdd. Oh well i hope we get to see the rest of the scans, else it's going to be a really fun pre-release this sunday ;) (everyone still reading all the cards :p).

Great job fake card (thumbnail).

Good luck on the vista disc we all hope you can find it.
I backed up my laptop two or so weeks ago, so the only thing I really lost was recent school work.
That's really too bad for you; you lost all your recent schoolwork and all the scans. I'm deeply sorry for you, but luckily you turned your assignment in. I wasn't even here when you put the fake Phione picture, but it sounds like it caused more havoc here than that April Fool's Day joke a long itme ago. People went ballistic here and probably in more places than that one.

For the video, it does look like Lucario completely replaces Mewtwo, but I still think Mewtwo has a shot. I love how Lucario attacks and I absolutely love the stage Spear Pillar in Mt. Coronet. There's already so many clones in SSBB, that I wouldn't be suprised if both Mewtwo and Lucario made it in.

I'm sorry that people have been annoying, but you can't blame everyone because you did hype up the "Suprise" and you did say you would post new scans every day (which will not happen anymore, sadly). People are just impatient, but I'm glad that you managed to put up double the scans yesterday, anyway.

The other Darkrai that is much better than the other one, IMO. I loved Pachirisu as soon as it had it's English Translation and I still do. :>3333 Artwork on Pachirisu. Sceptile, as many people have noted (I haven't) said you can't use more than one Poke-Body a turn, which is impossible because the Body is always active and useable. I love that Sceptile can combo with itself and many other Grass Pokemon, though. Dialga...meh, just like in D/P. Exploud, I always love, because of the many different possiblilities that comes out of just one of his attacks. They seem to make all Exploud similar, but for a first, this Exploud has all good choices. Excellent. Lapras is the Pokemon Castaway and I think it would be too slow to pull off. I'd just use Castaway if my deck really needed it. Very good artwork in this set, BTW. Some of the best I've ever seen in a Pokemon deck.

Epic Post FTW.

dmaster out.
Ouch I have had my fair share of Laptop problems and I am very sorry! That is definetly too bad! I am very sorry about that! Fhew glad you turned in your essay in time!

As for the scans sorry about everything people said, I know I could of been a little more patient. Can't wait for the suprise, I really can't wait, however I am thinking it will be Chomp X!

As for the cards I have to go now and haven't had time to look at the attacks. I have to say I am a little dissapointed with Dialga Lv. X, 1st it is not even coming out of the card:( It's head a little bit but could be better! I don't really like the poke-power, to risky I think. The attack packs a punch, but not being able to use it next turn:( I don't like that.

Everything else appears Ok, havent had alot of time to analyze anything in depth yet! Thanks for the scan, hope your computer gets better:p!
Oh yeah, I forgot two cards I wanted to comment on:

Amulet Coin seems like a useless tool to me. It jsut draws one, and that's if you still have it on. I kind-of love/hate Dialga Lv.X. Yes, it seems like we haven't gotten a decent Dialga yet, so the Lv.X version should be even worse, but that's not entirely the case. I hate Dialga Lv.X's artwork, but I'm on the wall with his Power. It can tip the favor you or your opponent or it can do nothing. With a 75% chance of doing something you don't want and 25% chance of something benefitting you, it's really not that good. Either your turn ends abruptly, or your opponent's does. I personally don't think it will be used as much as the other Lv.X's, that is, unless someone brings a two-sided Tails Coin to a Tournament. 0_o

dmaster out. got me! I thought Phione was the surprise...

Anyway, some people though it was cruel. I didn't. You're a prankster, aren't you? I'm going to clue very close at the post that you make (if you do make one.) on April Fools Day.

Anyway, I can't wait for the actual surprise! Maybe a Secret Rare...not Chomp though.
Oh yeah, this thread is glitching on me. I can't see all the posts. As of right now, I can only see to Post #100.
Hey Water Pokemon Master,

I'm sorry your laptop went dead. I hope you can fix it soon. I can't what to see the other scans!

Gym Leader Ryan
I hope you can get it fixed soon. I also hope you can retrieve the scans too. The scan that is there is cool though.:)
Ehrm.. why do you think we should believe that your fake is a real when we already know the Japanese scan? :)