Scariest Nightmare / Dream?

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

minimidget94 said:
Also, have you guys ever had one of those dreams where youre controlling everything? It happens if you were like questioning if everything was really happening or if your just dreaming. Have you ever sleptwalked? I wanna hear about everything to do with sleep lol

That's called lucid dreaming. Some people can control it.

I'm of course not one of them. I can barely remember regular dreams. _-_ I always have this same nightmare every time I was sick at least until they stopped about five/six years ago. Can't remember what it was about, something bad.

dmaster out.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

My dreams are hilariously messed up, but also a good source of inspiration. Sometimes I do rough sketches of them while they're still fresh in my mind...

Scariest dream I had involves that owl dude oh God.

Not too long ago I had a dream where me and a bunch of unknown people were at some sort of garden party. Everyone was outside eating cakes and stuff. For some reason, I needed to sneak inside the house and hide a miniature turkey in a shoe, and I needed to do so in secret (whenever someone walked by, I needed to hide). Anyway eventually I succeed and HOLY **** this booming noise comes out of nowhere and everyone outside is freaking out. A big timer is lowered from the sky (it's counting in letters so I don't know what time it was displaying) and this weird music started playing.

So, I get out of there and run away, and eventually I end up in some town where everyone appears to be walking around with building materials. I end up in the center of the town and people seem to be building some sort of aircraft (it looked sort of like a boat but with balloons to keep it airborne). Everyone in the town was evacuating, because all the taps were leaking this weird gel. The timer was still visible in the distance and the letters on its display were now flashing red.

Then it blew up.

Everyone started screaming "the great owl is free!!!!!" as the fiery explosion traveled at an alarming speed towards the town. I jumped on the ship and it started to fly away. I look back down at the town to see it engulfed in the flames. Weirdly, nobody in the town was actually burning to death, but instead they transformed into these one-eyed, hairless monstrosities. It was really quite freaky.

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

minimidget94 said:
Also, have you guys ever had one of those dreams where youre controlling everything? It happens if you were like questioning if everything was really happening or if your just dreaming.

I've had a couple of dreams like that. I don't remember many of the details, but I do remember they both involved Pokemon. I think one of them involved a bunch of Pokemon that were trapped. I made it have a heroic ending. :p

Xous said:
I don't dream often (I most likely just don't remember them), but when I do it's never funny or weird. It's always hauntingly happy. Like I'll wake up and the fact it was just a dream will leave me feeling empty or sad and it'll stay with me through the whole day.

I've had LOTS of dreams like that. For example, I've had a some dreams were I won a Tournament/I'm doing really good in a tournament, and then I wake up and realize it was all just a dream. :(
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Well the scariest dream I've had was pretty frightning to me.
I was running through the woods of the Amazon Forest. I can't really remember how I got there but there I was. I ran and ran knowing that something demonic was following me. I ran right into a field were I saw the most disturbing image Ive ever seen, awake or asleep. There in the middle of the field was a large poll made of wood and on it was a girl (dead of course)that had it impaled through her. She had been killed by whatever was chasing me. I think I woke up after that because I can't really rememmber the rest.

I know this is going to sound wack but I also had bad nightmares of demonic enteties hunting my house after I saw Paranormal Activity. Haha but now that I look back on that it seem kinda sily to me:D
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

In my nightmares i'm usually like 9 years old. I don't know why. I guess it was just a bad year for me. Parents got divorced, health problems, stepmom.... let's just say she didn't like me very much. Not my best year. Anyways, there's a monster that's chasing me, but it disguises itself as a kid. Whenever I tell someone there's a moster trying to kill me it just changes back. In the end I kill it.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I had this nightmare once wher in which a giagantic Bedrill stapped my neck on my spinal cord and I fell in a coma for 20 years and when I wake a nuke goes off across town and I get geneitically altered and die basically being a half dog thing.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Last night I had dream that I made Hank Hill sad. This is the worst dream of all time :(

gorgeously hating of the disc,
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

This is more of a nightmare/silly dream I had as a little one, but I don't have nightmares anymore...

So I'm staning in the middle of a random field, and I start walking forward... suddenly I hear a noise so I turn around, and see a giant box. The box then opens, and giant popcorn chicken starts chasing me, and I start running for my life, and I wake up.

Yes, it is kinda silly, but it was true.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Well my top worst nightmare, was just, *shivers* terrible. I fell off a cliff, like a huge one. THe ones where you wake up when in your dream you die are the most scary ones.

As for weird, I had a dream I was trespassing on somebody's lawn, and they had these guards. And so I was trying to do something to this persons house( idrk) but I ended up beating up the guards with a giant crayon when they attacked me. >:D teehee~
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

i once had a dream i was about to be crowned king when i was 4-6 IDk what. lightning struck and the dream went away. :(
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

'off topic' i like this topic!
on topic now.

the most dreams i have now are from my past nightmares. and believe me, the things are greeting me as a friend, saying hi and so, playing with me. bad guys turning good... yeah. anyway it doesn't scare me anymore. my favorite pokemon is also in my dreams.... because i'm often doing something around him (like always carying my figure of it with me)

one of my dreams i've got was not really a nightmare for me. a black cat was sitting on a car. i walked to him and he said 3 something is growing in you... something dark... run while you still can...." then it disappeard.
don't know what that was all about. but my favo pokemon was with me, so i felt save.

strange, i have good dreams and darkrai is in them.... pretty cool.

(i'm obsesed by him, i know...)
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

(Not more than the guy above you.)

A while ago, when I was like 4 or 5, I had a dream when it was dark in the house, I was walking up stairs from the basement to the living room, and this guy came up from the corner, from the foye(Idk how to spell it...stupid French....shouldvetakenspanishgrumblegrumble...XD) and he yelled: "Boo!" I know it was stupid, but I was afraid of the dark for a while.

Has anyone had a dream where you see the future but you have no idea it was the future and when it does happen the voice in your head goes:I saw this in my dream!! It happens to me a lot and I have seen a lot of future events like this. Some dreams I even had when I was very young...(Im 13 now so its not that long ago.)
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I wouldnt call this scary, but it was a bad dream non the less.

To summarize it, my parents were trying to kill me. O_O
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

Is it true that it's impossible to die in your dreams? o_O

Anyway, i once had a dream where i was in World War 3 and my right leg got cut off but i was still alive. Funny thing is, when i woke up my right leg was numb.

Another one was where i was being hunted down by the mafia. So i hid in a bagel shop but they found me so i ran away and they chased me across a bridge and i jumped off, but right before i landed in the water i woke up.

And when i was little i had a dream that a cookie ate me. O_O My dreams are pretty epic.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I can't remember my nightmares at the moment, but I've had several dreams where it feels like I'm falling from a great height. I've also gotten a lump in my throat after I dreamed that I swallowed something I shouldn't have.
RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

The scariest dream I had ever ever had hapened on the night after my mom told me my dad beat her while they were married.

In the dream, My parents were still married, and our whole family went on one of the nickelodeon cruises.

We landed on the perfect island, and were welcomed by all of these Dora the Explora Characters. I don't remember much after that, it kind of fast-forwards...

Well then, you know how sometimes in state fairs they have that awesome train and the rails are up in the sky? Well, in the dream there were those. I was running away from my dad because he found out that I knew he beat my mom. He thought I was going to call the cops on him to send him to jail.

He was trying to kill me with his bare hands, because I was only 11, I was able to climb and balance on the rails. He came after me and he fell. I jumped in after him, because even though he hurt my mom, I still loved him.

After that, I woke up crying.

Don't worry, I still love my dad and all of that, but I have never been able to tell him that I knew about him hitting my mom.

RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream?

I had a dream were this guy without a face tried to attack me
It was horrible!!!!
until i killed him:)