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sceptleblade411's rockin' trade thread! H: spiritomb and LUXRAY GL!

RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

islam soliman-okay magmorter for blazekin h.
fkg-i have at least 1 of each.
duf-i see luxray holo from AA.
ace11-i don't see anything sorry:(.
hyunbin- i see garchomp potf
penguinlord-sorry i have second thoughts on the trade:(
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Okay, so how about Luxray for Sceptile and Sandslash, then?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Okay, then how about this?:

Pt3 Garchomp [Rare-Holo] 1st ED

GREAT ENCOUNTERS Darkrai (#4) [Rare-Holo]

PM me to finalize if you want.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

hyunbin no thanks i don't have enough sleeves to make another jpn deck with garchomp
duf i would rather not unless you add either 2 shinx from AA or 1 luxio from AA
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sceptileblade411 said:
hyunbin no thanks I don't have enough sleeves to make another jpn deck with garchomp

What does that have to do with anything?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Do you have two commons or an uncommon from DPt4 on my wants list? If not, I can't really do it, sorry :/.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

hyunbin it means well i might not have darkrai since i traded him at league and forgot to take him pff sorry (i think if i find him deals back on)
DJhv i don't see anything for thoose two sorry:(
duf i don't have any jpn cards from dp but i have nearly every common/uncommon from dp sets.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Wait... So do you any commons from AoA? Cause what you said didn't really answer myu question :/.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

DPt = Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
So basically Galactic's Conquest to Advent of Arceus.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sceptileblade411 said:
hyunbin it means well I might not have darkrai since I traded him at league and forgot to take him pff sorry (I think if I find him deals back on)
DJhv I don't see anything for thoose two sorry:(
duf I don't have any jpn cards from dp but I have nearly every common/uncommon from dp sets.

Well what do you like?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

OK. All I have from your wants is Reprint Pikachu (RR) and I have tons of RH SV cards and H SV cards.