• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

sceptleblade411's rockin' trade thread! H: spiritomb and LUXRAY GL!

RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sceptileblade411 said:
DJHV SV, and my wants:p
DUF I have some DPT but not AA sorry
So.... PotF, BET, GC, what do you have? XD
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

CML for
1 gallade 4 lv.x
1 charron's choise
4 luxray gl 3 h 1 rh
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sw I really want either your snorlax lv.x or flygon lv.x.
duf I have what is listed for bet and my rares listed for potf if you want commons or uncommons from potf lmk.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Do you have commons/uncommons from BET?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sw no i really want flygon more
duf i said
sceptileblade411 said:
I have what is listed for bet
srspooney i am interested in your arcanine g and numel rh both sv
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

snorlax for gallade straight up? flygons more valuable
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Oh, cause it says RARES and I want COMMONS/UNCOMMONS, so I thought that you maybe had more, and I already have Alakazam 4 so my work here is done :)
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sceptileblade411 said:
srspooney I am interested in your arcanine g and numel rh both sv
The Numel got a little scratched up (don't really know how?) but if you still like it then we can do it
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

srspooney i don't care
sw i really want flygon more forget i said snorlax
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

cool then I'll PM you to finish up.
Do you think you can throw in happiny or chansey?
Magmortar / Cherrim

Hi sceptleblade411!

Any interest in -

SW Magmortar

SF Cherrim

Please PM me if you want to discuss...

Thank you.

- Hypno68
RE: sceptleblade411's veified trade thread! W: SV!

CML for your

Hippowdon Lv X
Glaceon Lv X
Porygon Z Lv X

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)