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sceptleblade411's rockin' trade thread! H: spiritomb and LUXRAY GL!

RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

If you mean gengar (not genga rr) then i want both of those. The only kind of lv.x be a tin lv.x or anything else on my list
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sorry i made a mistake i have gengar 4 from rr

i need a shymin tin and a mewtwo tin and dragonait and deoxy attack form
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

hi can you please cml for charmander SF reprint, i got 1 pikachu red cheeks reprint
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

sceptileblade411 said:
@islam what do you mean by series 1 blaziken?
@pokekid I see 2 gengar sf shiny milotic and crawdunt g rh I would do them for glaceon lv.x.

I traded the shiny milotic, and I no longer have gengar for trade. Maybe there is something else?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

Hi cml for your GE Darkrai #4

how about for a Dragonite WB Promo?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

I am very interested in any of the following:
garchomp c lv.x
2 garchomp
1 rayquazza c

Would you be so kind as to CML?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

@rappermi charmander for pika?
@medaforcer i don't have those cards i want them .
@islem soliman magmorter for pretty much any rare i have ps i don't want ex and below cards.
@pokekid brandon i still want the crawdunt g do you want any rares or promos etc?
@everyone please pay attention to the difference between wants and haves:p
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

i'll trade my platinum banette for your reverse holo blaziken, let me know
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

yeah charmander for pikachu, is that ok?
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

not for a lv.x sorry. but if you add blaziken fb i would do those for skymin.
RE: sceptleblade411's ROCKIN trade thread! W: SV!

i'm interested in your blaziken from platinum, i'll trade my mint platinum banette.