School Turf

Yes, I went to the Regionals in Pasadena, and I occupied myself between rounds by continuing this story. Looks like you actually saw me in person. Didn't think that anyone I didn't already know would stop to look and actually remember what I drew.

I should refer to more school cartoons. The Kids from Room 402 and Detention! are pretty obscure; maybe I'll refer to those.

You guys sure have a lot of free time if you could read all the way to Page 100.
I was going to say something to you about it but wasn't sure if you'd be uncomfortable or not with that. Heh. If you played any Brawl in the other room on the small screen there, there's a good chance you played against me.

Anyway, there's no way I'd remember except I found it very interesting that you were making use of a somewhat Doraemon-esque style that I almost never see these days in anything. Also from what I remember, and the sketchiness of your art seems to back this up, it seems like you drew it directly onto the paper with no preliminary sketches or anything. I found that really impressive because I can't imagine putting together a comic without that sort of planning. Perhaps I'm wrong, but either way I'm impressed by your excellent use of simplicity regardless.

Anyway, I've read many bits and pieces but I find it tedious to have to click back to this page to find the next one. I think you really might benefit putting this up on some sort of webcomic host to make it easy to read through them. You'll also probably find a much larger audience that way.
right click link -> open in new tab

That's what I do. Close it when you're done and you're good to go. No muss, no fuss.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
right click link -> open in new tab

That's what I do. Close it when you're done and you're good to go. No muss, no fuss.

Alternatively, click the link with your mouse scroll. That's what I do.
Well, here's a way to confirm if I played Brawl: I only played one match. I was given the Wii Remote controller and chose Random. I was given Toon Link, and I won the match. The match took place on Battlefield.

Webcomics sites aren't too compatible with what I do for the reasons that pages are not stand-alone, I update irregularly, and I update in large amounts of pages rather than individually. Most webcomics sites I've been to, when I look up their rules, ask for an update at least once bimonthly, but it takes up too much of my time to be able to produce 10 pages in two months.

That's interesting you would say that the style reminded you of Doraemon, since while I watched the show a lot as a kid, I never used it as a reference on basic drawing. My greatest visual influences, if you ask me, are Calvin & Hobbes and Dexter's Laboratory, though I decided to branch off and draw things my own way. I chose against visual realism because that's not my natural style.

What I do is draw it in pencil, then go over with pen. I use the cheapest supplies possible: Printing paper, No. 2 pencil, Paper-Mate ballpoint pens, plastic ruler, Staedtler-Mars eraser. I have no need to use more expensive supplies because they don't give me better results. You probably saw me penciling, which would definitely give the impression that I went directly into what you see, since I don't use construction lines, action lines, or perspective lines. Nevertheless, it still takes me two hours per page.
I played so much that day I don't really remember any people who only played one game. I was Kirby and Dedede often for the record, though.

I'm surprised webcomic hosting sites have restrictions like that, I find it odd and wonder what free hosting sites do about people who go on long hiatuses as they're bound to get thousands of those. I don't know where you looked but I honestly think there has to be some sort of site that just lets you update at your own pace. Either way if you're okay with how it is for you now I guess that doesn't matter.

Anyway it must be nice looking back on all that work put into something that large. It's kinda inspirational. I think I need to start just doing little comics for fun. ;p
I played on the tiny portable DVD player in the back of the room, if it helps.

Most webcomics function much like comic strips, each page being its own contained story that leads up to a punchline at the end. This functions more like a graphic novel, and currently, theres no place for web graphic novels. I've been to KeenSpot, KeenSpace, DeviantArt, SmackJeeves, and one created by Serebii veteran Ace of Abra. I'm sure I've been to more than that, however.

If you make a comic, you should post it here. I'd like to see it.
I'm aware of that, I think your story is so well put together that I can't imagine too many people complaining. I only suggested the idea since I think it would help out the presentation, but again, if you feel you don't need it then I guess that defeats the point.
Cool comic.I have recently started drawing in the middle of lessons and stuff, it takes ages but hey!I do Manga style though.I'd make comics, but I don't have a scanner so I wouldn't be able to show them to anyone.Lol, you don't regularly see a 12 year old Manga artist :D.Anyways, your cimic is cool.Here is england we don't really have school mafias, but lets just say I see some under-age smokers and nearly everyone thinks that they are a gangsta'.No not basic raaping gangsta, hardcore rapping criminal gangsta' blud innit' man?Nang innit'?Anyone get me gangast' slang man?Innit' though?This comic is quite nang Innit'? lol :DDa' mafia men woldn't even be know if dey' wuz dere blad, they would be in counciling like 24/7 blad!Brap Brap! lol Dis' is so funny innit' lol :D?
I had some trouble figuring out what you were saying, since you were so caught up in your British gangsta slang. (I come from Los Angeles, and gangsters don't actually say those things.)

The best way to get good at drawing is to draw early and not be afraid that your stuff might not be as good as other people's stuff. I was drawing at age 12 and long before that, actually.'

And, of course, I've seen underground operations students in school do, as I come from L.A. It usually isn't serious stuff in elementary school, though once you reach middle school, the kids start learning about pot, crack, LSD, and other stuff and begin buying and selling that stuff instead.
Ophie said:
I had some trouble figuring out what you were saying, since you were so caught up in your British gangsta slang. (I come from Los Angeles, and gangsters don't actually say those things.)

The best way to get good at drawing is to draw early and not be afraid that your stuff might not be as good as other people's stuff. I was drawing at age 12 and long before that, actually.'

And, of course, I've seen underground operations students in school do, as I come from L.A. It usually isn't serious stuff in elementary school, though once you reach middle school, the kids start learning about pot, crack, LSD, and other stuff and begin buying and selling that stuff instead.

Lol blad, no disrespecting my homies!I've been drawing scince I was like 7 and went super cool pro at like 10.I wasn't saying that I just started drawing man, it wuz mainly the fact that I ignore the dumbass teachers and start drawing pro stuff man.You would like me to make a manga adaption of this yes?(changes his voice into mafia man)I think'a we'szz could'a settle something eh?hEH, HEH.Only kiding man, wot up?U like manga?I iz bare good blad?WOT!Lol..

P.s. I wasn't showing off or anything, I just wanted to defend my drawings (finally, a sentence where he doesn't use some crazy slang you think eh'?).. Innit blad!.Lol..

P.p.s. I don't usually talk like dis' blad ! :D
Well, if you want to post some artwork here, I'm certainly not stopping you. I'd like to see what you can do. (By the way, you're a lot more unstandable when you use normal English.)
Yeah, I don't really use that kinda' slang, I just wanted to use some seeming this the right sort of place (school turf!)lol.Anyway, my scanner doesn't work with my new vista so I can't scan my artwork!

P.s. Don't get confused, it's obvious who I am
I've read the first set (1-10).Cool.Its lame that sugary stuff is banned because of one good for nothing looser girl.If that happened to me, I would beat the crap out of her, girl or no girl!
It took a very long time, as my hard drive went kaput and I couldn't afford to get the data least, not yet. I had to do everything thats digital myself, such as the touch-ups. Still, it's no reason I shouldn't keep soldiering on, and here we have it: the next installment is up.

(Click on the page numbers to get to that page.)

Herschel's schemes have driven out nearly everyone in the Grant Investi-Gator, leaving only Solomon and the oblivious Miles. What will Herschel do next, now that he's created a "yellow press"? Things aren't looking too positive for the Unteasables either, as the newly-granted information Herschel has obtained has allowed the Hall Monitors to strike the resistance group even closer than ever.

And before anybody starts yelling at me that I broke the two-week rule, this is a significant and substantial update to one of my own topics.
I don't really know what to say. This is coming along really well.

Geez. Whoever shot that kid must have unloaded like... a gallon of fruit punch on him D:
That would be Gunnar (the kid with the mullet), who usually hangs out with Frank. He's cruel, sadistic, sinister, evil, Machiavellian, underhanded, narcissistic, forceful, unrelenting, mean-spirited, hot-tempered, malicious, harsh, brutal, ruthless, heartless, hateful, psychopathic, and other adjectives to describe someone who behaves more like a middle schooler than an elementary schooler.

I also realize I haven't revealed it yet (even though I should have, but I forgot), but Gunnar wields the same model of Super Soaker as Daphne. That's how he could soak Oliver so bad, and he does so because he derives a pleasure out of overkill.
Sorry about not having updated this in a long time, so I'll give you a double update this time.


With Oliver gone, Herschel's forces have found an opprtunity to strike another blow to The Unteasables! It's all up to Miles to get the remaining members, including himself, out of danger. It's too bad, as Miles was oblivious to the elimination of his teammates and the Grant Investi-Gator, that he realizes he would have to bear all the burden at the critical moment. The Unteasables and Herschel Emmanuelli have been getting ever closer to finding the other one out, and it won't be long until they clash and one of them gets eliminated for good.
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The remaining Unteasables are ready to strike! Miles and Daphne are ready to ambush Koko at the front gates to confiscate her ledger. It certainly won't come easy, as she's been put under heavy protection--and surveillance: In the assault, Miles has revealed himself to Herschel, and now he's at his most vulnerable. With the school going madder and madder, formerly strong relationships torn and shredded like paper, it'll take every ounce of wit Miles has to survive in the school long enough to do anything to Herschel.
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This. Is. Awesome. =D

I read it all today. You really are very talented. :3
Geez, Herschel's become like... evil. :eek:
I feel so bad for Koko..

I'll be looking out for the next update. =]