Second Language?

Can you speak or write in another language?

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Crystal Hikara

Anyone else here speak another language other than English? If so, what do you speak/write? How did you learn it? How long have you been studying the language? Can you speak or write it fluently? What other languages would you like to study?

For me, I took three years of French before deciding I had had enough. :p I switched teachers, so that probably had something to do with the fact I dropped the class 4th year, but regardless. I'm not fluent in French, unfortunately- a lot of my vocabulary and sentence structure has disappeared over these years- but I can read posts French artists on DA make and understand the main gist of it. However, I really would like to pick it up again. D: I do miss it and it'd be awesome to have as a fluent language. Ah, c'est la vie, je suppose...

Of course, I'd really like to understand a few more of the major languages in the world. I dunno. I work at a supermarket, so it's kinda...not cool to feel so left out and isolated when customers start talking between themselves in another language. :/

Oh, and does anyone write Latin? I'm interested in translating a phrase for my fanfic. :3
I currently speak English, and I'm learning to speak Spanish in school. I've only started last September... so I'm not really that good at it. My other language is Vietnamese, since, well, y'know. Yeah.

Finally, I wish I could speak Japanese. I watch a lot of Japanese anime, so it would be better if I can understand what they are saying without the subtitles.
Crystal, I'm fact taking 1st year Latin right now in school. I have this terrible teacher, but luckily the second year teacher is better. I do know some.
I do indeed wish to lean Japanese, as it is the video game language. I will learn Spanish in about two years at school, my Latin will pay off then.

Can anyone else translate: cotidie ad pokebeach venio
Yes, English. True fact, as my first language is Spanish. I can write pretty well, and can speak it decently. I started to learn English when I was 8/9 (I don´t remember) as I was in a school that reinforced it. I guess I´m good at English overall (I was outstanding in my class, after all).

Also, I had 2 years of French, but I´m not fond of the language. As Gliscor, I´d like to speak Japanese (and I´m probably going to go to a Japanese class later on the year).
I took a couple years of Spanish a few years back... I remember some of it, but not much. It's pretty easy to write in Spanish, as they use the same basic characters as English. ;P

Also, I am trying to learn Japanese from My Japanese Coach for the DS. I ultimately fail at attempting to write the characters.

Also, to all the Spanish-speakers out there:
Tu bailos con el gato en la noche, no?
Spanish is my second language, mainly because my part of my family is from a Spanish-speaking country. Although, im still not that good at it.

I'd like to learn Japanese and Vietnamese.

@42c: No, yo no bailo con el gato en la noche. :p
Sadly, the only language I can communicate in is English. I can count fairly "far" in Spanish, and know a few words, but that's about it. :-[

I'd really like to learn another language, though. My top picks would be Spanish and Japanese. Maybe German as well, since my ancestors hail from Germany, and it always seemed like an interesting language to learn.
Ofcourse I speak mainly English, but I am taking Spanish which is quiet easy. I can read, write and understand it, I just can't speak it. XD

While, I'm somewhat learning Japanese, mostly how to write it and speak it. And I would love to learn German and French one day. Those are fancy languages to me. XP​
I'm Trilingual, I speak English, my Native language, and French. I can also right with proper grammar in all three. I learned English at school/home, Native Language at home, and I've been learning french since I was 9. I picked up french for many reasons, most of which I won't mention (Take a guess lol) If any one ever wants to learn a language, the best thing to do is to go to the country rather than taking classes. When I went to France for a vacation, I learned more in 7 days than I did in a year of taking classes. When you are being social with friends, it just kinda comes up naturally. It's kinda fun being able to speak other languages, as when you are mad at someone, you can say stuff at them and they won't know what you just said!

Je suis une meduse!
4 Years of Spanish but I wouldn't consider myself fluent.

dmaster out.
First language is English. I've studied Japanese for many years, and while I'm not fluent, I can read/understand it pretty well. I'm taking a semester off from it in college, though, so who knows how well I'll know the language come next fall.

I grew up around Italian speakers, so I understand most of the language, even if I can't speak it. I can also speak very basic Spanish, and can understand that as well. That's due to being surrounded by Spanish speakers, which is a given if you're three hours north of Mexico. xP
LOL JC. That is the most silly, EPIC thing to say in French EVER. XD

Haha, it seems everyone wants to learn Japanese. Kiyo, watch out! They'll all run to you for help! :0

But I myself know some extremely basic Japanese. I botch the language horribly according to Kiyo, though...that, and sometimes the Japanese passed down from my dojo was a bit Americanized (IE ich, ni, san, shi, go, rok etc. instead of ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku etc.)

Uuuuuugh, I wish I could visit some sort of French city, excluding Paris. I think Nice would be an excellent stop. Hahaha...
Juliacoolo said:
I'm Trilingual, I speak English, my Native language, and French. I can also right with proper grammar in all three.

Smooth... real smooth.

I can't speak any other languages, and to be honest, I don't want to. I've tried before, but I'm not really a "language" person.

However, I think music should count as being a language. If you count that, then I can speak it. :p
I love languages! :D

My first language was English, but I also speak Haitian Creole.

I'm halfway to speaking Vietnamese and Japanese, but they're awfully difficult. One day I'll speak them fluently!
Crystal Hikara said:
LOL JC. That is the most silly, EPIC thing to say in French EVER. XD

whats so epic about saying "I have a jellyfish"?

Also I can speak french, as you can see above.
I don't know how to speak a second language. It's way too complicated to me. Though, I know more Japanese than Spanish.
Here in my country we have this bilingual policy so I know both English and Chinese.

My Chinese really sucks.
I took two years of Spanish in high school. I am able to read, write, and speak it. It has come in handy at my work since I still cashier every now and then.
French as a second and English as a third, though I must say my English is quite a bit better than my French, despite technically learning English a couple of years later (not counting TV, which had been teaching me English ever since the Power Rangers 1st aired here, when I was about 5).
And for those who don't know, my 1st language is Dutch, the barely-spoken language of the Netherlands and half of Belgium (which is where I live). Probably amongst the silliest languages in the world, imagine German but orders of magnitudes less evil-sounding ;)
... So silly it didn't even make the list, it seems.