Sorry for the wait you two! Here is what I propose:
Fusion said:
I have a RH Drifloon and a list, I'm interested in Codes and your garchmop 90. If you've got time CML. THanks.
Do you happen to have anything else unlisted from my wants or any other notable cards? I'd definitely be interested in trading as many PTCGO cards as possible. I'm interested in the RH Drifloon and would offer the following:
10 PCTGO Cards
Reverse Holo Drifloon 50/124 (it is 50 and not 49 correct?)
Let me know what you think and if you have any other notable cards to trade!
Binx345 said:
hey perhaps we can trade
BINX wants
xx altaria (prerelease or set versions)
xx d exa garbodor
xx garchomp 90
xx ninetales
xx catcher
xx eviloite
xx energy retrieval
xx glourk d exa
BINX has
d exa- rev driftloon
ND- hoo scrafty
ND holo articuno
EP- rare nonholo or rev holo scolipede
I have the following cards from the wants that you listed in my thread:
2 Altaria (Prerelease Promo)
1 RH Garbador DRX 54/124
5 Ninetales DRX 19/124
2 RH Ninetales DRX 19/124
4 Golurk DRX 59/124
2 Pokemon Catcher
~15 Eviolite (not %100 sure on how many I would trade but at least 10)
23 Energy Retrieval
2 RH Golurk DRX 59/124
I am interested in your:
Scolipede EP 40/98
RH Roselia DRX 13/124
Growlithe Base Set 28/102
Vulpix Base Set 68/102 (50 HP error - is this the Unlimited/3rd print version?)
Machoke Base Set 34/102
What are the conditions of those Base Set cards?
Do you have any unlisted BW-On EX cards that you would like to trade, or anything else from my wants? I would also be interested in more Base Set cards if you had them.
You offer a lot of variety with regards to the items you have listed in your trade thread. I'd be open to offers involving any other neat unlisted cards or merchandise (particularly deck boxes and sleeves) that you have!
