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Secret Pikachu's Trades! [H] Tons of DRX & Other BW-On [W] BW-On

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ok so here is what i have and want, all cards are near mint or mint, except for diglett

BINX has
generic green deck box MIP
MIP electivire prerelease US sleeves
vulpix base- hp error- unlimited, near mint/mint says 1999 as the latest date on it
EP rev holo R scolipede (all rares are now gone, just have 1 or 2 revs)
D exa rosielia rev
shadowless machoke
shadowless growlithe
base caterpie
shadowless diglett nonmint

Binx wants (most at top)
2 catcher
up to 4 ninetales
xx eviloite (dont need more then 8)
xx energy retrieval (really dont need more then 8)
1 garbodor
up to 3 golurk
2 altaria

make an offer??
Fusion said:
Aww snap. It is 49, sorry. I don't have anything else really. A base set Charizard. That's all for unlisted.

Darn! No worries :p. Which print run is the Base Set Charizard from? Also, what is its condition?

exdarkrai01 said:
Hey man would you trade a regigigas EX for a catcher?

Hey! Unfortunately I don't need a Regigigas EX. Is there anything from my wants that you have and would be willing to trade?

The Pikachu Mafia said:
oh yeah >.< I completely forgot simipour, I meant to throw him in there as well :p (it's actually RH if you don't mind...)

No worries, thanks for throwing it back in :p! I don't actually need an RH Simipour though, so let's just go ahead with the trade without the Simipour! I'll PM you to confirm.

Binx345 said:
ok so here is what i have and want, all cards are near mint or mint, except for diglett

BINX has
generic green deck box MIP
MIP electivire prerelease US sleeves
vulpix base- hp error- unlimited, near mint/mint says 1999 as the latest date on it
EP rev holo R scolipede (all rares are now gone, just have 1 or 2 revs)
D exa rosielia rev
shadowless machoke
shadowless growlithe
base caterpie
shadowless diglett nonmint

Binx wants (most at top)
2 catcher
up to 4 ninetales
xx eviloite (don't need more then 8)
xx energy retrieval (really don't need more then 8)
1 garbodor
up to 3 golurk
2 altaria

make an offer??

So far I am interested in your:

RH Roselia DRX 13/124
RH Drifloon 50/124 (it's 50 and not 49 correct?)
Growlithe Base Set 28/102
Vulpix Base Set 68/102
Machoke Base Set 34/102
Caterpie Base Set 45/102

Could you tell me a bit more about the condition on each of the Base Set cards? I would prefer Mint but if it is Near Mint but very close to being Mint I might consider it! Also, what print run is the Caterpie from?

I'll be glad to make an offer once I know the condition on those cards :D

I'm not sure what print run, it has the purple Pokemon power. It's fine. Wears on the border and minor scratching. Been in my possession since 97 lol
all the cards are near mint /mint (they look perfect to me) except vulpix is near mint, and diglett is not mint at all (i guess good for it)
caterpie is unlimited 1999
upon closer look i would say growlithe is near mint (w some very small dots/marks i didnt even notice before)
Fusion said:
I'm not sure what print run, it has the purple Pokemon power. It's fine. Wears on the border and minor scratching. Been in my possession since 97 lol

Alright, well, I'll take a stab and offer you 10 PTCGO cards for it if you'd like.

Binx345 said:
all the cards are near mint /mint (they look perfect to me) except vulpix is near mint, and diglett is not mint at all (i guess good for it)
caterpie is unlimited 1999
upon closer look i would say growlithe is near mint (w some very small dots/marks i didnt even notice before)

Alright, thanks for the information. Unfortunately I don't need the Dragons Exalted Reverse Holo cards anymore as I was able to pick them up in a trade with my friend. I would like to propose the following trade. I added the value of each card based on what they have sold for recently on eBay.


4 Ninetales DRX 19/124 - $1.00 each = $4.00
6 Eviolite NV 91/101 - $1.00 each = $6.00


Growlithe Base Set 28/102 (Shadowless) - $1.50
Vulpix Base Set 68/102 (HP 50 error, Unlimited 1999) - $1.50
Machoke Base Set 34/102 (Shadowless) - $2.00
Caterpie Base Set 45/102 (Unlimited 1999) - $1.00
Pikachu 1st Edition Jungle (Wizard's "W" stamped promo) - assuming this is Mint or very close to it, please let me know if it isn't! - $4.00

Each side of the trade works out to be $10.00. How does this sound to you?

Thanks :D
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