A little weird having the SR Warp Energy in this set instead of Shining Legends, but at least we still get it. Mainly glad to get Counter Energy - that is going to be amazing for non-GX-centric decks (spread especially).
Counter Energy is the only card i am really interested to in this set. Planing on trying to make a deck that focuses on hitting the weakness of my opponent following a similar idea i am using with My Ninja Toolbox. Shining Mew to accelerate (Rainbow, Counter and DCE). After, when hes down, Ninja Boy into one of these depending on the weakness you need:
Fire: Entei XY AOR (OHKO on Metagross or Solgaleo Gx)
Lightning: Tapu koko SM-Promo (OHKO on Ho-oH Gx, for the retreat and spread dmg)
Grass: Shining Genesect SL (OHKO on anything depending what is attached but can also transfer Rainbow or Counter Energy depending if needed)
Water: Articuno XY RS (OHKO on any competitive Gx or Ex pokemon)
Fighting: Zygarde XY-Promo (OHKO Darkrai Gx, Tauros Gx, Drampa Gx, Zoroark Gx or Raichu Gx)
Psychic: Giratina XY-Promo (OHKO on Espeon Gx or Buzzwole Gx and a good counter to Greninja, Trevenant or Zoroark Turbo)
Darkness: Hoopa Unbound (OHKO on Trevenant and most likely for the ability)
Those are all basic pokemon's that can OHKO most Gx pokemon with the help of Counter Energy. Might be a bad feeling to always feel behind in prizes but i have hope i can make it work.