Alright so some things about the Nuzzle Archetype and why it's better post rotation. It was always a consistent deck that never needed the balls. They just gave it more consistency. I believe Elm's +Promo nuzzle Pikachu is the better option because it can get you set up faster. And all you need is an emolga+ 1 energy and you're set for the entire game. This Raichu is significantly better because it can be searched with emolga also attacks for less energy. Also since this deck is self sufficient by having the pokemon be the consistency, you are very flexible in what you could add to the deck.
Next format we are losing guzma+good spread decks. In team up, zapdos+Pikarom was everywhere so they were easily running all over this archetype. We now have Mew to protect us against Pikarom+ Reshikrom, both will be top tier archetypes you need to prepare for.
There's a lot to say about this archetype because it was an amazing style of play that just came in at the wrong time. Now it may finally have its time to shine