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Shadow's trades.

RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! NEED LUXRAY GL LV X REALLY BAD.

Again, the only EX cards for trade are listed under "haves".

I have a bunch of good ones, but they are never being traded. Hence why they are not listed.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! NEED LUXRAY GL LV X REALLY BAD.

is there any way you can do

floatzel gl x

rockets riakou ex
rockets persion ex

please lmk
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! NEED LUXRAY GL LV X REALLY BAD.

What happend to all the other cards you wanted? (the camerupt, and raikou * ect)

Cause I want the Leafeon X more then the Floatzel X....
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! NEED LUXRAY GL LV X REALLY BAD.

i know but i would rather keep the leafeon to use in a trade for a fly x or sell it on pojo
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! NEED LUXRAY GL LV X REALLY BAD.

i need:
dark arceus
lightning arceus
palkia x
gardi x?
gardi sw?

i have:
3 bebes
cresselia ge or md
absol g rh
electivire fb rh
buterfree fb rh
ryperior holo
char g
char g x
star x
absol x
blaze x
Beautifly (RH)
Ampharos (RH)
Blastoise (holo)
Giratina #9 (RH)
Manectric (RH)
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! NEED LUXRAY GL LV X REALLY BAD.

wow i need to update. i traded that but that trade isnt turning out great. but i can do another lower X.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

Its Geo Baby: I no longer have the Palkia Lv X it seems.... But I have just updated my list with lots of new stuff. I have all 9 Arceus too.

Perhaps we can work somthing out for YOUR: Absol G Lv X

Im open to lots of haggling and what not. lmk

TO EVERYONE ELSE: I have now FULLY updated my list with all the cards I got for Xmas.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

okay now that youve updated i like more cards.

Sally PA
Gengar X
Full set of arceus
BIG WANT Mewtwo hat.

LMK what we can do for these?
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

You like Gengar X eh? Fine. But make me an offer first please.

I dont remember what Lv X cards you have. And I want the deal to have a Lv X involved.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

it will dont worry. the gengar X isnt a major want right now but i would take it CML for them please to tell me what to offer.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

Please cml for
3x expert belt
lv xs
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

im interested now in dark arceus, psychic arceus, grass arceus, both arceus x's, gardi x, gardi sw, and 3 ultimate zones and 3 beginning door if u hav it
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

I cant seem to access your Trade Thread.... It says you dont have any threads to your name...
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

Oh, I see now. Nevermind my silly question. lol

How about MY:

dark arceus~$4.00
psychic arceus~$4.00
grass arceus~$4.00
Arceus Lv X (double body)~$13.00
3 ultimate zones~$0.25 (each)
3 beginning door~$0.25 (each)

Absol G Lv X
Absol G (RH)
Electivire FB (RH)
Blastoise (Platinum)
Charizard G

lmk or counter
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

richkid50000 said:
any answer for me?

oops. Sorry.

Uh... I know a couple other people who want Gengar Lv X so I'll have to get back to you later on this.
RE: Shadow's trades. READ my Rules first! Updated with Xmas cards!

Did you get a chance to look at my list?