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Shadow's trades.

RE: Shadow's trades. WANT: Flygon Lv X

Do you have a Lucario EX?​
RE: Shadow's trades. WANT: Flygon Lv X

I have tons of your wants. I need your Fergalitor Prime & Red Gyarados. Do you have any DCE or Jumpluff?
RE: Shadow's trades. WANT: Flygon Lv X

SotH said:
Do you have a Lucario EX?​

EX? ....No. And if you mean Lv X, still no. Sorry.

the situation said:
need 3x blaziken fb

Dont have any for trade sorry.

DJ Hype Vibes said:
I have tons of your wants. I need your Fergalitor Prime & Red Gyarados. Do you have any DCE or Jumpluff?

I have 1 RH Jumpluff. Those other cards are being traded to someone else. I havent edited it from my list yet because the trade isnt quite 100% for sure yet...
RE: Shadow's trades. WANT: Flygon Lv X

Hi, I was interested in these...
Dragonite ex (EX Dragons)
Red Gyarados
Garchomp LvX

I happen to have...
Shaymin Land Forme LvX
Bronzong #14 (RH)
Zapdos G (RH)
Rhyperior #10 (HOLO)
Swampert (RH)
Articuno #16 (Normal)

Let me know what you think and we can settle this this out.
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

hey i have dragon- salamance for trade

i would trade it 1 for 1 for

1 of many HGSS rares i need
1 of many eng expedition, aquapolis, skyridge cards i need

PLEASE PM me if interested

i also like japanese vending, VS, promos
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

I have:

Absol HP
Dark Houndoom holo (TRR)
Dark Houndoom (TRR)

I want:

BTS x3
Combee SF
Sableye SF
Felicity's Drawing GE
Mr. Mime MT x3

I don't know what you have that I want, but lemme know nonetheless. :)
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

EspeonRox: I have 1 of each of those, EXCEPT the Mr. Mime. I have zero mimes...
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

Could you do a BTS, Felicity's, Combee and Sableye then? LMK.
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

Hi, I happen to have these...
x3 TM Evolutor
x3 TM DeEvolutor
Houndoom (Great Encounters)(RH)

I was interested in...
Dragonite EX (EX Dragon)

But if those aren't enough, I was interested in your Red Gyarados, if you still have it.
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

SnorlaxDude said:
Hi, I happen to have these...
x3 TM Evolutor
x3 TM DeEvolutor
Houndoom (Great Encounters)(RH)

I was interested in...
Dragonite EX (EX Dragon)

But if those aren't enough, I was interested in your Red Gyarados, if you still have it.

I dont have the Red Gyarados anymore. Sorry.

But I do have that Dragonite EX. Its not mint, but i have it still.
So I can add in another rare or two if you like. Just tell me what other cards you like.
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

Okay cool,
Could you add in?
Flygon Energy Shower
Snorlax (DF)

Also, just PM me with the details.
RE: Shadow's trades. Want old cards! Come look!

UGH There goes the En Shower Flygon...?

ANYWAYS! Times like this I really wish I was a seller. Thought I'd pop in and offer a trade or two!

Have these:

Houndoom Neo Discovery (JP H), maybe Neo Rev 1st edition (I wanna get an English Houndoom NeoDis first, though...), GE NH (x3)
-Absol SW
-Arcanine Base/Base 2, SW
-Manetric G RH, PT H (did you need the MT/AR ones? I have them too.)

I found your Groudon EX most interesting. Do you have pics of it? If it is French I'll be able to tell and read it. I'd definitely be interested then. :3 Provided, you know, mint condish and everything else.

Also of interest, but only if they are holo/mint/etc you know the drill...
Blaziken RS
Blastoise base (Not base 2?)
Kingdra NeoGenesis H? There was a NH Kingdra in Revelations too.
Swampert RS
Flygon En Shower (THAT HOPEFULLY ISN'T GONE? That was a REALLY bad pun.)

Lemme know if we could work something out. >>' Hope you haven't shipped yet, cause this could cut your costs a wee bit if we agreed to something...?
RE: Shadow's trades. Want Dialga G Lv X, and Flygon Lv X

CML for SSU RH x2 Unown Q and a poketurn if you have one .
RE: Shadow's trades. Want Dialga G Lv X, and Flygon Lv X

FLygon: I have a large list of "wants", please make an offer.
RE: Shadow's trades. Want Dialga G Lv X, and Flygon Lv X

I have these cards you are looking for

Manectric (Holon Phantoms) #46/110
Manectric G (SV)
Manectric (Emerald) #7/106 rh
Manectric (Emerald) #16/106
Luxray (D/P) 7/130
Ninetails (Hidden Legends) #22/101

I am looking for

2/123 Azumarill
5/123 Hitmontop
6/123 Jumpluff
11/123 Shuckle
20/123 Feraligatr
28/123 Pichu
32/123 Typhlosion
33/123 Tyrogue
ONE Alph Lithograph