Shaymin from “Heat Wave Arena”

Terrible. It’s the cheap version of manaphy and is useless.
When manaphy rotates out (Literally rn) we need to take what we can get; on one hand shaymin will be worse in more "meta" decks, on the other hand, this enables more single-prized decks an advantage that wont be available in standard for the vast majority of other decks.
This is our big weekend reveal? I know this will be a pretty meta card but they usually do a big reveal? Did they decide to skip that because of the presents yesterday? There's still a lot of cards yet to be revealed.
This is our big weekend reveal? I know this will be a pretty meta card but they usually do a big reveal? Did they decide to skip that because of the presents yesterday? There's still a lot of cards yet to be revealed.
More than half of the pack is revealed, they usually leave the rest for the final week before release, which is next week.
Man, N's is already isn't doing good, and now they wanna take BB Cannon away from Zoroark against the little guys. On the bright side though, Wellspring is cooked.
Total bench barrier on a Basic (a la Manaphy, Mew, Mr. Mime...why do they always start with M, lol??) is kinda boring card design, so I think this is an improvement. I don't want spreading/sniping to be nerfed too hard, but I also don't want single prizer low HP Pokemon to be too screwed, so this is a great compromise. Art is lovely and adorable.
Man, N's is already isn't doing good, and now they wanna take BB Cannon away from Zoroark against the little guys. On the bright side though, Wellspring is cooked.
Well Zoroark never looked all that great to begin with. They should've given it another good attack to use besides Darmanitan's
The Manaphy "replacement". At the very least the vast majority of good decks, especially in the future formats like Journey Together and Heat Wave Arena, are gonna be some form of evolution deck, whether it be Stage 1 or 2. Grass is also a very good typing especially with how weak fire types are right now.
Absolutely not. Manaphy rotates before this card comes out making this essentially the new Manaphy. I mean in a grand sense this card is downright if they were to be in format together but this being instead of Manaphy is what makes it good
It looks like this has been answered above! It seems this card will only have utility in a small amount of situations.
Most stage two decks will probably run it, since nowdays manaphy is mostly used to protect those anyways. Plus any Tera Ex card already has bench protection, so I personally think it's going to be used as long as good bench snipes exist.
Slowking is not liking this. The deck is really poised to be good but messing with that Trifrost is bad news. Well at least Drifblim exists.
the thing has 80 hp so it's only easily searchable with nest ball and artazan. Those two cards aren't normally used in high counts for stage 2 decks so this Shaymin is harder to use. Yea you can ultra ball for this but it'll feel bad to do that.
Sorry for dumb question from someone new to the TCG, does that include the transfer of damage counters from one benched Pokemon to another without a rule box?
as a rule of thumb, cards tend to be pretty literal and do exactly what they say. that effect would either be an ability or an effect of an attack depending on the card, and this only specifies damage from attacks.