Shaymin from “Heat Wave Arena”

What we really need is a card that blocks Dusknoir, the only thing we'll have otherwise in the next format is Gastrodon

Something with an ability that's like "prevent damage counters from being placed to your benched Pokemon from effects of opponents Pokemon abilities", that way decks that need it could also have a Froslass and Munki guard
What we really need is a card that blocks Dusknoir, the only thing we'll have otherwise in the next format is Gastrodon

Something with an ability that's like "prevent damage counters from being placed to your benched Pokemon from effects of opponents Pokemon abilities", that way decks that need it could also have a Froslass and Munki guard
Makes me miss Enamorus V.. Will Creatures pay attention to that poor soul and reprint it's ability in any way in future? Doesn't have to be the exact card, just make sure the ability is reprinted, or else munkidori and froslass will have a field day vs. the competition on a whim.
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That's the point. I'd like to snipe your dumb support Pokémon after Iono-ing you to 2.
The way people talk to each other at this point is crazy. Let people have their own ways to think about things.
The way people talk to each other at this point is crazy. Let people have their own ways to think about things.
Sure, man. I hope they reprint Manaphy so you can protect your 2 prizers on the bench.
Of course i know about rotation, but you can’t use this for bench helpers lime fezandipiti, pidgeot and mew
They really don't need or should even have the help. No bench attack hits for their numbers anyway, and it's a lot more balanced. If anything it removes the redundancy of Tera Pokémon and the bench protection they already have.