Emolga was always far surperior to Shaymin as the starter, but I think with the release of Plasma Freeze could impact which one the player decides to play. They both have the same HP, but the problem for Emolga is that Lighting weakness which this guy will love:
Emolga will get donked often by one of the biggest cards that will be in the format (as long as a Deoxys EX or HTL is played.) The thing that makes Shaymin much harder to donk is he has a fire weakness, and there are no big fire pokemon right now, so I think the Rayeels or Empoleon players will start playing Shaymin over Emolga. Skyarrow Bridge is often played in Rayeels so Shaymin will have free retreat just like Emolga.
So anyway what do you guys think? Will Emolga or Shaymin be played more in the upcoming Battle Roads/Nationals/Worlds Championships?