DPPt/HGSS Shines or Events

Shiny or Event?

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Seriously Obsessed Shiny Collector
Which do you prefer, shinies or event Pokemon? I prefer shinies. Event Pokemon just don't seem that exciting to be honest, to me at least. Do you like shinies? Do you use them for showing off in battles, or (like me) keep them shining away in their boxes? Discuss!
^Actually, shinies are becoming incredibly common thanks to the advent of PokéRadar chaining, RNG abuse, and the Masuda Method of breeding -- one of the reasons I have a certain fondness more so for event Pokémon.

What I like about these Pokémon in particular is not so much the special attributes of the Pokémon themselves, but rather the story that surrounds them. For me event Pokémon serve as sort of "digital mementos," when you can look back on the Pokémon in your PC or party and say, "I remember when I went to 'X' location to get this Pokémon," or "I remember meeting 'X' people waiting in line to get this Pokémon" (< at least when they still did link cables :)). It's this sort of "real-life charm" I think event Pokémon have the most, especially because it shows real dedication as a player to go out and get these Pokémon in person (except for Wi-Fi events...and people trading over the Internet...). Of course, shinies have the advantage of being accessible to any player regardless of where they live, and I have fond memories of finding completely random shinies myself, but I think event Pokémon are particularly cool for these human elements that are involved.

...Of course I don't hesitate to receive either of them -- they're all great in my book! :D
I really like Pokemon that rarely seem to be released as events. The way a Pokemon is shiny appeals to me, but I totally understand why some people prefer events. In answer to the earlier post, 'anyone' cannot get events. I live no where near any event place, and you can trade just as easily foor shinies as events over wifi.
I love shinies, but have only encountered one in my life (Hence my rank)

I plan on EV training her and at level 100 trade her for something awesome.
I'm really not going to go out of my way much anymore to get a shiny. I used to, but based on how often I actually PLAY on WiFi over Shoddy, it's just not worth it. But to make a full decision, I'd have to say I prefer the shinies. :)
I prefer event Pokemon because they sometimes come with moves they would never learn otherwise. This could be used to surprise opponents.
I never really thought of that, I thought most event collectors didn't battle with their events. I like shinys more, they just seem cool.
How exactly are shinies 'useless'? In fact, they're no different to any other Pokemon, shiny, event or not. They can be great for trading and for playing. In the grand scheme of things, all pokemon is useless. Its a fllipin video game.
Take a deep breath Alvin, We all know that our existence is pointless, so why not spend it doing pointless things?
It's just an alternate color scheme, the majority of them being absolutely awful looking in the first place.

Whats the point besides scamming kids on wifi?
Maybe some of us like how they're alternately coloured?

Nobody on this trade thread is saying 'OMG events are like so pointless man they're like not even special'. Apart from you, everyone has expressed a reasonable view.
Maybe some of us like how they're alternately coloured?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was speaking for people other than myself.

If you like them, fine. Don't tell me I'm unreasonable because you don't like my view.
Yes, everyone else said that they liked whatever they did, fair.

They didn't say that the other stuff was pointless and stupid.

I've got nothing against you, just respect other people's views.
Yes, everyone else said that they liked whatever they did, fair.

They didn't say that the other stuff was pointless and stupid.

The OP did.

I prefer shinies. Event Pokemon just don't seem that exciting to be honest, to me at least. Do you like shinies?

While he didn't say "pointless or stupid" outright, he did speak against the opposite element.

just respect other people's views.

I don't recall disrespecting anyone else's views in this topic. My view is the only one that was opposed in this matter. Perhaps you should apply this advice yourself.
He din't say 'pointless' though did he?

Nobody is saying events are pointless, I don't think they are.

Why are you trying to argue against me? Notice all the other people didn't say oh, shinies are pointless cos I like events.