XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

TheRoyalXerneas said:
I spent five days on a shiny hunt through a few safaris but it ended in failure. But, when I was breeding some charmanders to get egg moves, I hatched a shiny within the first eight eggs. I don't know if this makes sense, but I feel that the more Pokemon you encounter the higher your chance is of encountering a shiny (which I think is what the ratios are about). Oh I forgot to mention I was using a Japanese ditto and I didn't tip.

I think that is true. After getting about five gym badges I decided to shiny hunt with the chain fishing method. I got my first shiny in about an hour. I decided to find more, but since I had found one so soon the second one took longer. My third was after four turns, but I had already messed up a lot of times. By the way, these are my shinys in order of when I found them: Corsola, Remoraid, Carvanha.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Blenore said:
What is the fastest/most reliable shiny method?

Chain Fishing. Make sure you have a Pokémon with the Suction Cups Ability in the front of your party so the chain doesn't brake!
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y


Real or Fake?
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Odd when I just researched this it said it was yellow and some said it was a light blueish grey.Also when I researched Xernese it showed it being a light sky blue or a light red almost like each of them has 2 shiny forms.Zygarde on the other hand see,s as tho it has no shiny form or it has yet to be seen.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

No one's talking about the Shiny Value method? o-o
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

I just love this game, in the almost two months that I have had this game, I caught shiny Audino, Lillipup, Goldeen, Gabite, male and female Relicanth, Sealeo, and just now a Jolly natured Carvanha! I am loving all of these new shiny methods, now I just need a Gen VI shiny...
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Genius715 said:
I just love this game, in the almost two months that I have had this game, I caught shiny Audino, Lillipup, Goldeen, Gabite, male and female Relicanth, Sealeo, and just now a Jolly natured Carvanha! I am loving all of these new shiny methods, now I just need a Gen VI shiny...

Since the release of X & Y, comments like these are as common as Zubats in Mt. Moon! I'm wondering, do trainers like these, with a whole set of shinies, have a story or even remember how do they caught it? I have 6 shinies (my first in LG and my last in HG, none in XY since I don't have the games) and they all have a story...The bright side of "cheapening" shinies into this state of "democracy" is that I feel my shinies are now more valuable than before, at least for me, because they aren't the product of "mass production" and search but instead of luck and randomness.
I'm not with envy of these but I'm sad that even Pokémon fell for easy gameplay and mechanics (not just shinies but also difficulty, just look at the gym leaders) like the rest of the gaming industry. :(
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Leaf_Ranger said:
Genius715 said:
I just love this game, in the almost two months that I have had this game, I caught shiny Audino, Lillipup, Goldeen, Gabite, male and female Relicanth, Sealeo, and just now a Jolly natured Carvanha! I am loving all of these new shiny methods, now I just need a Gen VI shiny...

Since the release of X & Y, comments like these are as common as Zubats in Mt. Moon! I'm wondering, do trainers like these, with a whole set of shinies, have a story or even remember how do they caught it? I have 6 shinies (my first in LG and my last in HG, none in XY since I don't have the games) and they all have a story...The bright side of "cheapening" shinies into this state of "democracy" is that I feel my shinies are now more valuable than before, at least for me, because they aren't the product of "mass production" and search but instead of luck and randomness.
I'm not with envy of these but I'm sad that even Pokémon fell for easy gameplay and mechanics (not just shinies but also difficulty, just look at the gym leaders) like the rest of the gaming industry. :(

I'm fine with common shinies. I have 9 or 10, and I have a story for all of them. I'm most proud of Charizard, which took me 3 days to find
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Yeah, I can remember how I got my 2 shinies. Magnaton via one of my first times wonder trading. Larvitar via the first egg of a Japanese Pupitar and American Ditto. I wasn't even trying for a shiny; I just needed the Larvitar for my pokedex.
I'm sure this has been asked, but, do people actually use their shinies? I just keep mine quarantined in a box.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

I find it bad that i have 4 shinnies on my White version game 2 are from national distributions Eevee and Larvitar and 2 i got through trades a Arceus and a Porygon-Z both I think are hacked but I got shinnies at least. I am having the worst luck at trying to find shinies in X and Y tho which I hate, well (Reads signature) and I hope that I can find one soon or at least get one. One thing that is working for me tho is Iv breeding and wonder trading to get Iv breed-ed pokemon so maybe my luck is not on shinnies but that.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

momoxmomo said:
Yeah, I can remember how I got my 2 shinies. Magnaton via one of my first times wonder trading. Larvitar via the first egg of a Japanese Pupitar and American Ditto. I wasn't even trying for a shiny; I just needed the Larvitar for my pokedex.
I'm sure this has been asked, but, do people actually use their shinies? I just keep mine quarantined in a box.

I plan on using my shinies- I specifically IV bred them for battle. My method, pre Pokecheck, was to MM- so I would find someone with a foreign game (not as common on these forums as Id like), and have them breed me a flawless foreign mon in exchange for something else. Collecting 7-9 boxes of eggs in one or two sittings, will usually yield one maybe 2 shinies if Im lucky. Sadly, if youre aiming for a mon that has a specific ability and IVs, youre going to have to MM 1,000 or more eggs just to get it. I had to give up and use instacheck to get a flawless Protean Froakie, since out of the 5 I got MMing only 2 had Protean, and 1 had usable IVs, but horrid defenses.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Man one day I csn find shinies with no effort or tipping and then there are days when I will soend a whole day hunting and get nothing.... ever since I lost that shiny Garbodor I hunted like a madman to get him back. But nope... 3 days... 12 hours of encounters... nothing.

I alsi have yet to find shiny Frogadier and Petilil despite many many encounters and time spent. Luck has gotta change sometime!
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

MrSquarepants said:
Man one day I csn find shinies with no effort or tipping and then there are days when I will soend a whole day hunting and get nothing.... ever since I lost that shiny Garbodor I hunted like a madman to get him back. But nope... 3 days... 12 hours of encounters... nothing.

I alsi have yet to find shiny Frogadier and Petilil despite many many encounters and time spent. Luck has gotta change sometime!

I know how you feel, the first three I got, it was all by luck (Audino and Lillipup were accidental back to back within a few minutes). Gabite was later that day, and from there some were on purpose and others were happy accidents.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

momoxmomo said:
Yeah, I can remember how I got my 2 shinies. Magnaton via one of my first times wonder trading. Larvitar via the first egg of a Japanese Pupitar and American Ditto. I wasn't even trying for a shiny; I just needed the Larvitar for my pokedex.
I'm sure this has been asked, but, do people actually use their shinies? I just keep mine quarantined in a box.

I don't train them but I take a walk with my shiny Zubat in HG but just because I can do it. I would like to take a walk with my shiny Carvanha but I migrated it to Diamond and for now I can't trade it to my HG game.
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

momoxmomo said:
Yeah, I can remember how I got my 2 shinies. Magnaton via one of my first times wonder trading. Larvitar via the first egg of a Japanese Pupitar and American Ditto. I wasn't even trying for a shiny; I just needed the Larvitar for my pokedex.
I'm sure this has been asked, but, do people actually use their shinies? I just keep mine quarantined in a box.

I've never caught a shiny by myself, other than the red gyarados in silver :p

when playing X, and my first EVER real shiny appeared, and it was a trapinch, I USED THAT GUY FOR SURE!! i was so proud of myself for finding a real one, and it was 5IV mild natured. no way i couldnt use him

Then i found a shiny bronzong in FS, hes just sittin there in my box :p
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

Spartansn1p3r said:
Yesterday I found a random shiny combee in the friend safari, I was clearing out my safari's to see what pokemon are in them and BAM! Shiny combee scared the s*** outta me, its male so soon ill have a shiny mothim!

Somebody sig that.

Male Combee don't evolve at all. It's male Burmy that evolve into Mothim. :p
RE: Shiny Pokémon Less Rare in X / Y

I actually found a shiny Combed too, but mine was female! :D

It seems to the only female Combee I can find in that safari, too...