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Shoy's awesome trade thread! Have Gator Prime, Garchomp C X, Amphy Prime, and more!

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RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

Please CML for
1 Ho-Oh top half
1 Typlosion Prime
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

CML for promocroak, flygon RR, 2x expert belt, nidoqueen RR.

Definitely have SP trainers galore (cept for poketurns)
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

Super BUMP! Updated with many, many new cards!
RE: Want Landmin X and Uxie X

Shoyru1444 said:
Are you the one kid with the blonde hair? I once fought you with a blaze-ray deck at loki's, do you remember that? =P

do you have Luxray x? i would trade alot for it....
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

Sorry, but it is in a deck. I can't exactly trade it, sorry...

Did you see anything else?
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

well your blaze x and your rare candies.
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

I like your Toxicroak G, Great Ball mat, DGX, and Celibi Plush.
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

CML for ur 1 sealed HGSS prerelease sleeve pack

RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

Would you do my

2 PromoCroak G (~$30)


1 Blaziken FB Lv X (~$11)
1 Donphan Prime (~$10)
1 POP9 Rare Candy (~$4)
1 Roseanne's Research (~$3)



1 PromoCroak G


1 Blaziken FB Lv X
1 POP9 Rare Candy or 1 Roseanne's Research

Please LMK or CML and counter
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

Cool Trainer: Two things.

1. I may have a promocroak coming in the mail. (I may be being ripped; I do not know atm)
2. Promocroak is not worth $15, and Blaze is notworth $11. I don't exactly know the values of both, but I think that they are both worth like $10-12. Blaze could be like $15. Anyways, if you are charging $15 for a card that comes in a $9 pack, then you are ripping me off. So, how about this:

2x PromoCroak ($22)(2 X $11)

Blaze X ($15)
Rosanne's ($3)
Rare Candy ($4)

LMK or counter.

Ash: I'm a little confused by your trade thread; Do you have any of these?

Call Energy
Donphan Prime
Luxray X (I know, yeah right)
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

i do not have them right now, sorry..but, i have some DCE from the older set they are NM...do u interested?

RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

Shoyru1444 said:
Cool Trainer: Two things.

1. I may have a promocroak coming in the mail. (I may be being ripped; I do not know atm)
2. Promocroak is not worth $15, and Blaze is not worth $11. I don't exactly know the values of both, but I think that they are both worth like $10-12. Blaze could be like $15. Anyways, if you are charging $15 for a card that comes in a $9 pack, then you are ripping me off. So, how about this:

2x PromoCroak ($22)(2 X $11)

Blaze X ($15)
Rosanne's ($3)
Rare Candy ($4)

LMK or counter.


You can snag a Blaziken FB Lv X @ http://www.trollandtoad.com/p279468.html for $12. I'd say they charge a pinch extra due to the fact that they've got to pay the power and heating bill at the end of the month.
You can find them littered on EBay for about $10 + shipping.

On the other hand, some people are selling PromoCroaks for $20 in trade threads, and the $9 packs are actually $10.99. Now that it is virtually impossible to find, the price for a PromoCroak has gone up. Also, they seem to be unlisted on single sales sites, and there only seems to be one listed on EBay: Buy It Now for $15.

If you can throw in the following staples, I'd do it just on principle:

1 Energy Gain
1 Team Galactic's Wager
1 Galactic HQ
1 Rare Candy

For a total of


2 PromoCroak G


1 Blaziken FB Lv X
1 Roseanne's Research
2 Rare Candy
1 Team Galactic's Wager
1 Galactic HQ

Please LMK what you think about it, or where to find a $9-11 PromoCroak, so that I can buy them up.

Thanks!~ :)
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

i have uxie lvl X and JP call energy

I am interested in 2x pop rare candy and donphan prime
RE: Shoyru1444's house of PWNAGE! Have DONPHAN PRIME!

HI, I have x2 Electrode SF (1 RH)

I am interested in:
x2 Candies****** (need alot)
x1 Salamence SF (preferably not RH)
x2 Garchomp C
2-4 Gengar SF

CML for more =)

I have an unlisted gardy X if you are interested just LMK
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