Silhouette Found in TCG Online Coding

This is what it reminds me of:,r:5,s:0
(It's from a board game)
Ya, but if it was a April fools joke then they would of made it easier to find, and why would have something fake, or plan a joke?
I'm confident in saying that this is fake. We can easily say that this isn't a 6th gen Pokemon, since America just got BW a few weeks ago. Why would they already start announcing 6th gen Pokemon if the 6th gen won't come out for at least another four years (there's no way 5th gen is lasting anything less than that), and let alone in America. Any announcements of a new Pokemon would first come in Japan, which, even with the recent disasters, could still let us know. That brings me to my next point. It can't be a new Pokemon form since it wasn't announced in Japan, who would be getting this "form" first.

Lastly, April Fools starts on Friday.

EDIT: Bulbapedia said that they found this in If that's the case, then proof would be needed.
^first. it could just be an unreleased poke that accidentally got thrown in. think back to mew...its happened before and also since they want to make this game similar to gen one a "accident" poke could have been thrown in

second. no...april first is friday
They did not announce anything...I was hidden through the coding....

Good point, it might have been accidently put in the coding, just like mew!
Haha, no. Mew was no accident. There was JUST enough space for one more Pokemon in the coding of Red and Green, so another was somewhat secretly inserted. That was Mew.
i thought it was that they got rid of mew but some how his coding stayed and stayed in the game as a glitch?
You're thinking of Missingno. That was in the beta stages of Red and Green, possibly even the alpha stages. It was used to test the game's battle engine and was never completely removed from the game.
There's no way that thing is Genesect. This is looking mighty fake to me (or at least not relevant to anything).

dmaster out.
I'm also jumping on the "it's a fake" bandwagon. While April Fool's Day is on the 1st (obviously), this is happening too close to that date for me to take it seriously. It won't be from the 6th Generation because of the timing - it's far too soon for that. If it did turn out to be a Pokémon, the most one could assume is an alternate forme, which could appear in a future title (much like Sky Forme and Origin Forme did for Platinum), but even that's stretching it a bit.

Bulbapedia has had joke articles on April 1st before, but I've never seen them attempt something like this. Whether this is just a lone user trying to get a laugh or the site really going to this length for a joke, I'm not sure, but I'd assume it would be the former if it does turn out to be a joke.

Of course, there's always the possibility it did appear in the coding and it's not related to Pokémon at all (like a placeholder or a company logo for one of the programs they used to make the TGC Online?), but I'd say that's unlikely as well.

Anyway, no matter how this ends up, I'd rather be wrong than right. New Pokémon are always interesting.
The thing that questions me is how this could be fake, because it was found on a legit site. I wish we could know more about this!
Perhaps something like shaymin, arceus, and darkrai however i don't think even the PokeDex has it yet. Maybe a pokemon from the next generation!
eh bulbapedia isnt to legit but its legit enough. its like saying how could fake its from could be false
I think Extreme meant it was found in the TCG's code, but then again we only have their word for it
Oh wow. It looks like kind of a bad sprite of a chupacabra.

Seeing as it's not even a good sprite, I vote fake.

I think EPF has a little bit way too much faith in Bulbapedia telling the truth.
As a representative of Bulbapedia's administration, I can securely say that we will not purposefully be posting fake news. A lot of us, as a site trying to post thorough accurate information, are extremely against bulbanews posting fake news stories. It is our understanding that the contributor did actually find it in coding. In addition to that, the user posted instructions for other people to find it themselves.

It is what it is, but it definitely isn't some elaborate hoax for bulbanews, that I know for sure.
^i would love to just say you just heard it strait from them but we cant know for sure that you are a representative :p
I know I'm helping on the conspiracy theory here, but I just checked the Online Simulator, but they closed it down. Do you think its to remove the silhouette :eek: (?)