Silhouette Found in TCG Online Coding

Its a fake. Guys this things looks nothing like a Genosect and if there even is a 6th Gen, then it would not be released for several more years. Even if it is really Pokemon probably wouldn't tell us for a long time, because it was accidentally released.
@catutie and others
Just to let you guys all know: Moldy orange is Maverick Nate from Bulbapedia. Just because a SN doesn't match doesn't always mean they're not who they say they are. So no, he's not lying, he is an admin over there.
ok so its legit people. im guessing that its just a deleted pokemon that still survived in coding
But that doesn't mean that it's not a setup for an April Fools joke.
I am NOT saying this is untrue.
What I AM saying is that we, people who don't work on and manage Bulbapedia, have no way of proving that this info is accurate. Unless, that is, we're all able to hack into the TCG simulator and find the silhouette ourselves.
Pokefan4000 said:
Unless, that is, we're all able to hack into the TCG simulator and find the silhouette ourselves.

There are certain programs that you can use to do it. The user told us the programs he used. He pasted the url from the TCG online site ( ) into here. We aren't trying to pull an April Fools with this. He's just reporting on what he found, with possibly a little too much speculation on what it can be.
The most it can be is a scrapped design. I don't think we'll see that thing at all, but if we do, it'll be a redesigned version in Gen VI.
It might just be a mess up or something. I doubt we will be seeing what it really is, unless they do decide to show us and it turns out to be a new Pokemon (which I doubt).
@ moldy orange I tried to use that but it said there was no flash found? Am I doing something wrong?
WAIT now looking at it again. WHAT IF it is a canceled tepig evo? its looks pigish lol
catutie said:
WAIT now looking at it again. WHAT IF it is a canceled tepig evo? its looks pigish lol

Now that you say it,you're right.It does look like Tepig.
It's possible that the programmers put it in as like, a weird inside joke or something, or a representation for something within the code. I really don't think it's anything to get excited over, and please don't even go near those 6th Gen theories.

Seems like a really good April's fool joke, imo. I don't buy that they're revealing new Pokemon/formes not even a year into B/W's release.
I thought it was an unused design for a Tepiog evo as soon as I saw it.