All I have to say about that this, is I can't wait till I catch a Type:Null
All I have to say about that this, is I can't wait till I catch a Type:Null![]()
Silvadi is now my favorite Gen VII Pokémon, hands down. Sure, its ability is stellar - basically making it a poor man's Arceus, so to speak - but HOLY CRAP that design is glorious and terrifying all at the same time! I'm blown away. I really am.
"Its ability is AR System, which allows it to change its type to any other type depending on a certain held item attached to it called Memory. (So basically Silvady has Arceus’s Multitype Ability and instead of Arceus’s plates it uses the Memory item to determine the type.)"Silvady is like Arceus combined with Porygon in essence. It's not as broken as Arceus, but should be used quite a lot in-game/competitive. It's ability is a little watered down version of Multitype and is tied to a move moreso then a held item.
Actually, I do have something to say. Type:Null is a good example of lenient evolution. Its new form is very sleek, and doesn't feel like just a larger form of its pre-evolution. Jangmo-o is the exact opposite. I felt myself wishing they had just let Jangmo-o be Jangmo-o. But instead I was thinking, "No, NO GO BACK! GO BACK!"I'm presuming it'll be a gift Pokemon, like Porygon. (It was artificially created after all). You might even be given the egg for Type:Null (it should be breed-able) by Gladion as he uses one.
Actually, I do have something to say. Type:Null is a good example of lenient evolution. Its new form is very sleek, and doesn't feel like just a larger form of its pre-evolution. Jangmo-o is the exact opposite. I felt myself wishing they had just let Jangmo-o be Jangmo-o. But instead I was thinking, "No, NO GO BACK! GO BACK!"
I wish Pokemon could see that you can't supersize a Pokemon, give it some humanoid features, and then call it an evolution.
When you said that it has been the case since the beginning, the first thing that came to mind was the Gen 1 starters. And while you do have very good point that much like us humans we grow bigger, but Jaranga is just a little overboard. Charizard was good because it stayed true to its original design. Jaranga gains a bunch of flaps on its body, loses any essence of cute (Something Jangmo-o nailed with the heart on its forehead), and it got big lumbering arms which felt out place. Honestly, I don't dislike Jarango and Jaranga, I just feel like they messed up a little bit.I would agree with you, but that's largely the case with evolution in this game since the beginning. Things grow up and get bigger, just like we do. And really, it plays to a simple need for having large monsters in our control. In beetle fights, it's largely that the bigger the beetle, the stronger it is. Same usually applies to Pokemon. Also Jang'moo's evolution still hold true to its origins, the ankylosaurus.
As for Dragon/Fighting, while it does give some new weaknesses and a 4x weakness to Fairy, Jararango looks like it'll definitely have Close Combat which would be a huge STAB for it.
When you said that it has been the case since the beginning, the first thing that came to mind was the Gen 1 starters. And while you do have very good point that much like us humans we grow bigger, but Jaranga is just a little overboard. Charizard was good because it stayed true to its original design. Jaranga gains a bunch of flaps on its body, loses any essence of cute (Something Jangmo-o nailed with the heart on its forehead), and it got big lumbering arms which felt out place. Honestly, I don't dislike Jarango and Jaranga, I just feel like they messed up a little bit.
Dragonite is definitely one of those lines that has an unexpected final design. But Jangmo-o is so predictable! Jaranga is in no way a surprise, which is why I'm disappointed. Lines like Dragonite, Gyarados, and Gible are unexpected, yeah. However, Jangmo-o is just another Pokemon that got a supersized version of itself with the "Evolution" label blatantly slapped on.I see your point of how it seems to have gone overboard, but then I'm reminded of evolution lines like the Dratini family. Where did Dragonite come from compared to Dratini? Speaking of Charmander, did any of us really look at the little guy and think "It's going to get wings" before even seeing Charizard? Then there's Gible. Little cute Gible and then it evolves, loses its fingers and becomes one of the coolest designs ever in Garchomp. I'd honestly say part of the charm of Pokemon is never truly knowing what comes next. I for one never would have thought that Magnemite would evolve into three Magnemite.
Dragonite is definitely one of those lines that has an unexpected final design. But Jangmo-o is so predictable! Jaranga is in no way a surprise, which is why I'm disappointed. Lines like Dragonite, Gyarados, and Gible are unexpected, yeah. However, Jangmo-o is just another Pokemon that got a supersized version of itself with the "Evolution" label blatantly slapped on.
Theory: The Aether Foundation created a hybrid Pokémon species, (Arceus was used, obviously), and gave it a wooden helmet and body armor to wear. Gladion took it out of pity, and realized that it trusted him enough to evolve. Or something along the lines of that.I really want to know more about Type:Null. Like, who's the guy that locked it up with that mask, and how can it get rid of it (ok, the love of the Trainer, but... how?)... It's really interesting!
And before I can finally judge Jangmo-o's evolutions, I want to see their 3D models in the gamesSometimes the artworks can trick!
You could be right, however, if the rumors that this generation will only contain about 60 new Pokemon are true, I still think it has to be the pseudo. I hope to be wrong however, because I would like to see a lot more. What if the new pseudo is Alolan Dragonite? (would be awesome!)