News Silvady, Jarango, Jararanga, Trial Captain Ilima, S/M Anime Info Revealed in 'CoroCoro!'


Fairy food. Just Fairy Food.

only will be good if it has exceptional speed or exceptional bulk.

Immune to pixielate hyper voice, but soundproof otherwise is terrible.
I like the new Pokémon.

Silvady is a Pokémon I will try to get as soon as possible. But where will we be able to find Type: Null, I wonder? Will it be wild, or will you only get it as a gift or something.

Jarango and Jararanga are cool, so I will certainly use them in the game. Hopefully you can get Jangmo-o quickly, and not all the way in the end of the game, as a lot of Dragon Type did in earlier games.

Alolan Grimer is OK, but I don't think it will be on my team, though.