That would be great. Maybe a rare, or a couple uncommons possibly? I have lots unlisted, so feel free to ask!Silverwarrior said:Understandable. I just traded my last Gengar SF at league, but I do have 2 Shuppet PL, non RH. I can always CYL again to see if I missed anything. I'm sure we can work something out.
Not sure what you mean. He's only a $4.00 card, I just figured it would be easier to trade then buy off-line.i wouldnt accept zap g so offer
Sorry, Alakapimp, nothing that I really needed/wanted. I can always check back later.Alakapimp said:cml for Nidoqueen and Luxrury Ball
Didn't see anything. Let me know if you have any of the Un/Commons I'm looking for as well as the T/S/S lines. I'm only looking for my Wants:/Needs: right now.richkid50000 said:can you CML for the 4 queena dn the 2 flygon?
Like I told Richkid, I'm always looking for my Wants: and will pretty much trade for them. If you have any of the Un/Commons I need, I will work something out for Zam XJuliacoolo said:That would be great. Maybe a rare, or a couple uncommons possibly? I have lots unlisted, so feel free to ask!
Silverwarrior said:@ Rarecandy - I'm interested in 3 Rare Candy, 1 Night Maintenance, 2 Premier Ball, RH Crobat G, 3 Poke' Turn, and your Blaziken FB. LMK, I'm sure we can always work something out. Thanks.
@ TheGame - Gallade E4 Lv.X is pending. Sorry. LMK if you are still interested.
Everyone I have updated my Wants/Have List, please check over them again.
Silverwarrior said:@ Piplup - I'll let you know something soon. I have someone already ask about it a few minutes before you did.
@ TheGame - I didn't really see much for Landmin Lv.X
@ RareCandy - Hmm. He's a big want for some reason. Like I've said in my post, I'm very new and not 100% sure on value or play value. He goes for around $20-25.00 on Amazon, Ebay, Tradingpost, etc.. So I'm trying to trade based on actual value of the cards. Would you do Landmin Lv.X for 3 Candy, 1 Premier Ball, and the 3 Poke' Turn, and possibly 1 Night Maintenance. I know that's alot of meta-game cards just for 1 Lv.X, so if that's too much, just LMK.
Silverwarrior said:@ RareCandy - I don't think I would want to part with Absol G Lv.X. I do have an extra Blaziken Fb Lv.X if that interests you. I had a chance to get another Absol G X but I didn't go with it. I wish I did now. . CML and see if anything catches your eye, if not, then just the Shaymin Lv.X for whatever we work out.
Also, thanks for posting so fast!