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Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look! Now Updated for HGSS

RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

ok, how about this...


x1 Infernape 4 X - $22ish on eBAY


x1 Landmin X eBAY - $20 http://cgi.ebay.com/Pokemon-Card-M-Shaymin-lv-X-126-127-Holofoil_W0QQitemZ320471250350QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4a9d9335ae

lmk man
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

@ TheGame - Sorry, Shaymin Lv.X (Landform) is already pending in a trade. I am interested in Infernape E4 Lv.X but I cant do Shaymin X because someone already has him in their trade.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

CML for:
My wants.

Please & Thank chu​
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

Oh...I thought you were getting it in a trade. I also have 1 BTS and 1 Dawn stadium from your wants. Do you have any of my wants?
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

@ TheGame - I don't list anything I don't own currently, once I obtain it, I will post it. As for your wants:. other then a Crobat G, nothing. Sorry.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!


x1 Broken Time Space Stadium
x1 Dawn Stadium


x1 Crobat G
x2 Luxury Ball

I'd do this trade. It's about even since BTS are pretty expensive now. PM to confirm.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

I have:

1x Machamp (SF) may be able to get another
1x Pokedrawer+
2x Sableye (SF)
1x Dawn Stadium
may be able to get more of your wants, I'll let you know

I am interested in:
1x Uxie (league promo)
1x Claydol (league promo)

LMK for trade!:p
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

My main concerns right now are:

2 Sableye (SF)
1 Chatot (MD)
2 Chatot G (PL)
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Poke' Turn
4 Energy Gain
4 Power Spray
3 Roseanne's Research

I'm really trying to get ahold of these right now.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

i have sableye SF and a few chatot G's. i want league claydol. how many do you have? i think it says four. i can do 2 for 2 with the sableyes and maybe 2 for 1 on the chatots
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

Possibly have any Palkia G's or Roseanne's Research or any more Uxie (doesnt matter if LA or League)? have 1-Machamp-SF 1-Sableye-SF- 1-Chatot G-SF(RH)
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

I have some Sableye SF, Premier Ball, and a couple other things from your wants; I want claydol league promo. LMK.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

@ Everyone - League Claydol is sold for $5.00-$6.00 on ebay and by other members here on pokebeach. Keep in mind Rule#2. I'm still very new to Pokemon, and can not afford to trade off Claydols(league or not) for a Un/Common. 4 Dols for 4 Uncommons isn't good for me.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

@ RichKid - Can't do that.

@ EspeonROX - I dont want any Rotoms. I trade those when I get them for commons and uncommons.
RE: Silver's TradeCenter: Take a look!

1 Moonlight Stadium
1 Dawn Stadium
1 Broken Time-Space
3 Premier Ball

Those are the only U/C from your list I have.