Snow and every thing about it.

We had some light snow this morning, but not enough to cancel the jail the stupid witches that run it call "school". I went there again with regrets, but tomorrow, school might be canceled because it's "too cold for the little dearies to wait for the bus!". This is the only purpose for sissies that can't live through -10 degree weather.
XD, I already have tommorrow off anyway...

On topic, I really hope we can get a Snow Day or two before March. Once March comes, I really won't care, as I look forward to the fact we won't be see below freezing temperatures anymore.
I already have tomorrow off too! XD
You don't live in WI like me, do you?

That'd be cool if we did! I love snow days, and even though I already have to make it up in Summer, they make us sit through the hottest part of the day, anyways.
Nope, I live in KS. That somewhat explains the lack of snow here, considering we are along the "Snow Border", I guess you could call it.
Snow came a bit ago, but our superintendent must be from Antarctica or something, he didtn call it. Same people crashed in there car, and buses were really late.
Ugh, that reminds of a day about a month ago. Temperatures were so cold that a LOT of buses would not start, and considering my school is a little ways outside of town.....yeah.
Finally it's going to actually snow. It started to snow here not that long ago and we are off school for the day and hopefully tomorrow too.
We're suppose to get some snow in CT tomorrow, and they might cancel school. This would be like the 3rd or 4th snow day this year.
School's canceled for me today. This makes this weekend a 4 day weekend. I'll be home all day playing the computer. : D
omahanime said:
I am tired of snow, give me spring.
Agreed, I really hate winter altogether it never actually snows where I live anymore and it did actually snow for once here yesterday and then right after the snow came rain I mean come on! I want spring to come soon. Oh well only about two months left of the extreme cold without snow.
We got some snow on Monday or Tuesday, (can't remember) which was the first time we'd actually seen snow on the ground in about a month. I'm hoping we can get a snow day already....
We've had snow on the ground where I live for weeks now. I guess it hasn't warmed up in a long time, and it just snowed yesterday as well so I think we'll be stuck with it for a while. Although I am in the mood for some spring, I wouldn't mind sledding and making the best of it sometime soon. :)
I hate snow now. When I try to back my car out of the drive-way, I can't see to the left and right of me because of the 5 feet tall snow piles. >_>
Eh, snow. It snows, then we get freezing rain and whatnot, then everything is covered in a foot or so of snow with quite a bit of ice on top. Schools don't usually close, though. It gets old pretty quickly, though I do enjoy the cold weather. Just not driving and trying to avoid power lines on the road on the way to school. Usually central Mass gets hit pretty hard, so the traffic gets to be pretty bad, too.