Snow and every thing about it.

The snow that accumulates here has been melting lately. I guess it doesn't help when its above freezing most of the time. A cold front is supposed to pass tonight and make all the rain on the ground into ice. Not fun at all. D: I miss Wisconsin weather where it's below zero there right now with tons of snow.
We got a couple of snow days here (Kentucky) last week, but I don't think we even got an inch. When I lived in Utah, I never got snow days, but at least we would get some that didn't instantly turn to slush.
Our snow is starting to melt, eve though it is only 20 outside. =/ I'm hoping it will stay on the ground until after Christmas.
I built and igloo out of snow but it didn't last.
I don't know there seems to be something mystical attached to snow. It just has a over shadowing feeling of another time, another place. It changes the landscape and it's just powder-like frozen rain.
Simple but effective.
It's been snowing tons here, then getting really windy and drifting, then raining a tiny bit so that the snow gets really hard. there's a 2 and a half foot drift that you can walk on top of right now! Great for sledding, but not so nice to shovel off the driveway.
We got a little bit of snow last night, but it will melt, dispite it only being 22 outside....

On Friday, temperatures could get to be over 50! Bye bye, snow.
We got a huge snowstorm a couple of days ago, and there's like a foot of snow on the ground. We used our tractor to pile the snow up, and we can make tunnels in the snow without hardly an effort. It's a lot of fun. I'm thinking of trying to make a snow igloo. :)
Well, people who don't live in the same area... The level of snow fall is different in each area of the country. Other states may recieve much more snow than others. :)
I don't even like the sound of it!
Snow doesn't even make a sound, at least visible to the human ear. If snow drops from a tree then yes. But why would someone not like snow? Accidents on the roads by car or foot are the only problem. But besides that, having snow once a year is a lot of fun. :)
I <3 Snow. I dont like when its cold outside, but I LOVE snow. You can build stuff with it, hide in it, throw it at other people :p I live at the end of a street in a couldesac (big circular turn around) and the plows come and push all the snow to the end. Then, me and my neighbors dig through it and build a tunnel or a fort ontop (normally the fort ontop, due to the fear of being crushed by an oncoming plow :) ) But its just so much fun. Christmas is tommorow... AND NO SNOW IN OHIO :( :'( :( Oh well, hopefully we will get more next week :)
At least you have snow.:( Today on Christmas eve it is exactly 78 degrees.
I have never seen snow.:p
It's about 1 and a half hours until Christmas day officially starts where I am, and there doesn't appear to be any signs of snow.
Ah well. No white Christmas this year. =P

It'll probably start snowing here in January instead. =/
PokemonPhantom3 said:
I <3 Snow. I don't like when its cold outside, but I LOVE snow. You can build stuff with it, hide in it, throw it at other people :p I live at the end of a street in a couldesac (big circular turn around) and the plows come and push all the snow to the end. Then, me and my neighbors dig through it and build a tunnel or a fort ontop (normally the fort ontop, due to the fear of being crushed by an oncoming plow :) ) But its just so much fun. Christmas is tommorow... AND NO SNOW IN OHIO :( :'( :( Oh well, hopefully we will get more next week :)

Jordan, I dug a hole in one of those big ice ples and 2 or 3 people could fit into it. Then, my brother was in it, and my friend's brother stepped on top and broke it and fell on John. LOL. And my friend's brother is obese.

And we had snow until it rained today. We haven't have snow in like 5 or 6 years for Christmas but we always have rain for

Ohio is just so... random. Like me.
We've had snow a few times so far this year, but only one of those times was it enough to actually matter. Some friends and I decided to go out and have a snowball fight, and such.. it was good times, but the snow melted by the next day. x_x It doesn't seem to be lasting too long so far..

Some of my friends live in California, and haven't even ever seen snow.. I feel sorry for them at times, because given the choice, I'd always wanna live in locations where it snowed. Wouldn't wanna go through a year without it.